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FMPSD Celebrates Massive Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair Results Success

Posted on: General News

(Fort McMurray, AB - April 17th, 2023) Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) celebrated the 22nd annual Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair (WBRSF) in grand style. Held on March 25, 2023, at Shell Place and attended by many enthusiastic participants from all over the Wood Buffalo region, this event was indeed a success for all those involved. From inspiring entries to awe-inspiring achievements, it’s no surprise that Division students left with smiles as bright as the awards they earned.

FMPSD students were triumphant in claiming 24 out of 30 regional medals and 19 special awards, all these collective achievements worth $9,800. Their success was astounding, and all four finalists selected to represent the Wood Buffalo region at the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) are from Westwood Community High School. 

Jeremy Hiscock, Wood Buffalo Youth Science Foundation President and Composite High School science teacher, was overjoyed by the successful event.

“This year’s Wood Buffalo Regional Science Fair was another fantastic event. The 2023 fair has again shown us that Wood Buffalo’s youth have some inspiring talent. From 18 different schools in our region, we had 150 students create 116 projects. Wood Buffalo’s science fair has been a top-tier competition for almost two decades now, and it brings out the best in our students. The values that the science fair brings to us are persistence, determination, and creativity spurred on by competition. I am very proud of our students this year, and I cannot wait to see how our four students from Westwood do at this year’s Canada-Wide Science Fair in Edmonton.”

Four incredibly talented students from Westwood Community High School - Shayan Awan, Nishka Rai, Tanya Jivani and Lalithya Raavi – have been selected to represent the community of Wood Buffalo at the prestigious Canada-Wide Science Fair in Edmonton. From May 14 to 19th, these exceptional youth will display their cutting-edge scientific projects. 

Shayan Awan, who’s already seen local success through a scholarship provided by Prestige Jewellers, is enthusiastic about the ability to represent his community further. 

“My project is a non-invasive tremor reduction device. My inspiration came from my grandma, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease and has developed tremors. With millions worldwide suffering from neurological conditions, tremors are common side effects. The tremors are sent from the brain to the hand; my project distracts the brain from sending the involuntary tremors. This device can also be used to reduce leg tremors. I used machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze motor movements and output signals to reduce the tremor accordingly.”

“I think it’s cool to see other projects from across Canada focusing on different problems that we don’t experience as much or know much about at all. I’ve participated in the WBRSF since fifth grade, hoping to be selected for the CWSF. I’m excited to attend the CWSF this year. I hope to make Westwood and Wood Buffalo proud.”

Science fair duo Tanya Jivani and Lalithya Raavi, whose project tested how daily preparation of food through cooking can affect the vitamins we consume, are taking this opportunity to be inspirations for their community. 

“It feels like an amazing opportunity to represent our community at the CWSF as we can show our talents. It is also a chance to show the diversity in our community as we are young girls pursuing STEM, fighting against gender biases in this field.”

Nishka Rai created a frostbite alert system to alert users of potential frostbite risks. Her project detects changes in temperature and the time corresponding to the temperature levels; it provides timely and accurate warnings to users, enabling them to take appropriate measures to protect themselves. Nishka is exceptionally grateful for the opportunity to go to the CWSF.

“It still feels unbelievable, but I’m thrilled and excited. It’s always been a dream to go to the CWSF, and doing it again this year is so surreal. It’s amazing to have this opportunity to go in person this year, and I can’t wait to learn from this week-long experience! “

Annalee Nutter, Superintendent of the FMPSD, was delighted by the impressive selection of projects and a strong showing from FMPSD students.

“FMPSD students continue to amaze us with the strength of their presentations and the deep understanding of the research they do for the Regional Science fair. It is their determination, along with the support of teachers and parents, which creates the path to student success. We are proud of our students for capturing 43 of 59 awards this year and the four students from Westwood Community High School who will participate in the Canada-Wide Science Fair. 

Congratulations to all FMPSD award winners and participants.