Doing What’s Best for Kids

FMPSD Hosts 1st Division Chess Tournament

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(Fort McMurray, AB - May 30th, 2023) The Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) has taken a bold step in organizing the 1st division chess tournament, breaking the convention of conventional sports tournaments. The tournament was held on Saturday, May 27th, at École McTavish Public High School.

The FMPSD's division chess tournament is the first of its kind, aimed at promoting mental alertness, critical thinking, and strategic decision-making among students. It is an excellent opportunity for students with a passion for chess to showcase their skills in a competitive environment and for those new to try something new and challenging.

The tournament featured 24 participating students, with students ranging from grades 7 to 9. Initially, students interested in participating had to have won their school's tournament qualifier event to be selected to represent their school. The event saw intense matches, with players attempting to outsmart each other on the board.

The FMPSD division chess tournament winners were:

1. Ryan Weidlich - Westwood Community High School
2. Brayden Donahue - École McTavish Public High School
3. Zain Hasan - Fort McMurray Islamic School

The chess tournament was established in response to the request of students from the Superintendent’s Advisory Group. Chess is a burgeoning interest among students, and the student leaders recognized the importance of offering a more diverse competitive tournament beyond typical athletic events. This inclusive competition welcomes all skill levels and promotes a passion for intellectual pursuits. 

Educators throughout the division were tasked with arranging the competition within their schools and facilitating the cross-school tournament.

According to Fort McMurray Christian School teacher and one of the organizers, Ronald Vanden Pol, the tournament was a resounding success that surpassed their expectations.

“We were amazed at the level of skills students brought to this tournament. It was incredible to see them focused not only during their games but in between as they played practiced matches and worked as groups to figure out end-game scenarios. Chess is growing in Fort McMurray, and we are so excited to help encourage kids within our division.”

The FMPSD's division chess tournament has set a new standard for academic competitions, and it is hoped that it will inspire more students to participate in similar events. The tournament is an indication of FMPSD's commitment to providing students with diverse academic opportunities beyond the classroom.

For additional information, contact:

Momin Syed                                                           
Communications Coordinator
Fort McMurray Public School Division