Doing What’s Best for Kids

FMPSD Seeks Community-wide Participation to Plan its 2023-2024 Budget

Posted on: News Release

(Fort McMurray, AB - January 23, 2023) The Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) is launching a community-wide survey for residents to share their opinions and input to help with its 2023-2024 budget plan and more. The survey will be facilitated through an online engagement software called ThoughtExchange, which is used to crowdsource thoughts and opinions by also giving people the ability to view, consider and rate thoughts from others. 

Input will be collected from the Fort McMurray Public School Division’s students, staff, parents, guardians and community partners to identify areas of priority as we prepare to develop a budget in an environment of limited resources.

“Planning for the next school year’s budget is an important task, and like last year, we are once again seeking community feedback to help us with the process. As always, our main focus is ensuring the success of every student at FMPSD,” said Annalee Nutter, Superintendent, FMPSD.

“We invite everyone to participate in our online engagement process. This is our way of understanding your priorities as we work hard on funding projections for the next academic year. New this year, we are also asking your thoughts on what we are doing well, what we should reconsider and any new ideas the public may have,”  Superintendent Nutter continued.

The Division ensures all ThoughtExchange submissions will remain confidential and the feedback provided by each individual will be collected and shared to compile a consolidated report.

“With a funding model that does not meet our needs, and uncertain economic realities, it is clear that certain budgetary choices will need to be made for the 2023-2024 school year. Hence, this will be another year of limited resources. Your specific feedback will help us determine Division priorities,” she added.

The survey will be open from now until noon on February 3, 2023, and will be posted on the FMPSD website at as well as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram: @FMPSD. 



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