Doing What’s Best for Kids

Update Regarding the Ministerial Order on In-Person Learning

Posted on: News Release

(Fort McMurray, AB - February 27th, 2025) Fort McMurray Public School Division would like to provide clarity and reassurance following the recent revisions to the Ministerial Order on in-person learning. At this time, we emphasize that our current contingency plan remains unchanged. Before making any necessary adjustments, we will carefully review the order, consult with school leaders, and revise our plans as needed once School Leaders return to work next week.

Our top priority is to support all students in a safe and caring environment wherever possible. To achieve this, we will make every reasonable effort to access and redeploy available resources equitably. More details on any updates will be shared next week once we have collaborated with school leaders and investigated, secured and reorganized the necessary resources. 

We want to reassure families that no immediate changes are being made. Our current contingency plan remains in effect until further notice. We are working diligently to refine our plan and reallocate resources to best meet the needs of all students.

We genuinely appreciate your patience and partnership as we navigate these challenges together. We will maintain regular communication with the Ministry of Education to ensure full compliance with the order and will provide further updates as soon as new information is available.

Office of the Superintendent                                                  
Fort McMurray Public School Division