Doing What’s Best for Kids

Westwood Community High School's Choir Program: Where Creativity and Excellence Meet In Perfect Harmony

Posted on: General News

(Fort McMurray, AB - June 20th, 2023) Westwood Community High School is a hub of artistic expression, with its music program shining like a bright star in the school’s long list of successful ventures. The choir program reflects the school’s commitment towards encouraging music education and fostering creativity amongst its students. The school’s leadership and dedicated music director have worked tirelessly to cultivate a robust music program that allows students to showcase their talents.

Westwood’s choir program boasts an eclectic mix of students, all of whom come from diverse backgrounds and interests. Regardless of their varied backgrounds, the students who make up the choir program share a passion for music and a love for singing. Under the guidance of Music Director Joanna Torguson, the students push themselves to be the best they can be. The result is a stunning ensemble of voices that blend seamlessly, producing music that can only be described as breathtaking. 

The choral music program aims to cultivate musical proficiency and achieve exceptional results while working within the student’s abilities. Key music concepts such as rhythm, melody, harmony, form, and expression form the core intellectual basis of the program. With a focus on active student engagement, the program teaches these concepts primarily through singing, playing, listening, reading (and writing), and creative expression. 

The benefits of participating in the Westwood choir program extend beyond musical skills. The program also helps students develop leadership qualities, teamwork skills, and confidence. Students in the program learn to work cooperatively with others, setting personal goals for themselves while also adhering to the discipline required to achieve the common goal of producing great music. Moreover, participating in the choir program nurtures emotional intelligence in students, helping them appreciate the emotional and social significance of music.

The choir program at Westwood High School is no stranger to accolades and achievements. Over the years, the choir has won several competitions and performed at prestigious events.

The choir once again proved their musical prowess when participating in the local Oilsands Rotary Music Festival this year, earning top honours and accolades with gold and platinum ratings. Such remarkable performances caught the adjudicator’s attention, who highly recommended the choir to compete in the upcoming 2023 Virtual Provincial Music Festival, presented by the Alberta Music Festival Association.

The Westwood choir garnered Honours recognition at the festival for their standout performances in two specific categories: “Canadian Composers” with their rendition of “Klee Wyck” by Brian Tate, and “Modern Composer” with their version of “The Little Creek” by Matt Carlson.

Joanna Torguson, Music Director at Westwood Community High School, commends students for their hard work and commitment that resulted in achieving Honours.

“We are thrilled to announce our Honours win at the 2023 Virtual Provincial Music Festival. Our students have demonstrated exceptional growth and dedication, honing their vocal talents throughout the year. This annual program holds particular significance, as our hard work has been recognized on a provincial level. Our school will receive a medal, but more importantly, each student will be awarded an individual medal for their achievements. We couldn’t be prouder of our young musicians’ accomplishments.”

“We look forward to welcoming new and familiar faces to our choir program next year.”

The Westwood choir program is a treasure trove of talent, discipline, and creativity all rolled into one. The program has flourished under the guidance of a visionary music director and enthusiastic students. It has become integral to the school’s identity and garnered immense respect in the music community. 

The Westwood Choir program is a shining example of how music education can contribute to a student’s intellectual, cultural, and social growth.


For additional information, contact:

Momin Syed                                                           
Communications Coordinator
Fort McMurray Public School Division