Doing What’s Best for Kids

Enrolment Growth for the FMPSD 2022-2023 School Year

Posted on: News Release

(Fort McMurray, AB, December 7, 2022) Fort McMurray Public School Division is seeing steady enrollment growth and we are preparing for more students in the coming years. The Division has 6992 base-funded students enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year; total enrollment is at an increase of 569 students or 8.86% over the 2021-2022 school year. This significant growth is attributable to several factors including the Division's innovative programming and commitment to promoting excellence for students. The Division is focused on providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for the future; with this strong foundation, FMPSD students will continue to thrive and achieve at their highest level.

"Doing What's Best For Kids" isn't just FMPSD's motto but an actualization; Director of Teaching and Learning Jen Quigley details educational supports for students that continue to showcase FMPSD as the first choice for quality education.

“Enrolment has increased significantly across the Division this year and students are settling in and finding success. FMPSD is committed to high-quality teaching and learning experiences for all students and we believe in inclusive education. Every child is valuable and entitled to a safe, caring, and welcoming environment where they can be themselves and learn and grow at their own pace. Our schools are supported by parents who care deeply about the education of children and are willing to be collaborators, cheerleaders, and facilitators of the efforts made by staff to enrich school life.

FMPSD offers a wide range of programs including robotics, Reggio kindergarten, PEAK athletic programs, Advanced Placement courses, career and apprenticeship programs, as well as a wide range of courses in art, drama, music, athletics, sciences, technology, and so much more. Teachers meet students where they are in their learning and individualize teaching to ensure that each student moves forward in their learning and in a way that is best for them. FMPSD also offers supports for students with learning gaps, different learning needs and social-emotional needs. Students have access to supports through career, academic and mental health counseling; a wraparound approach ensures that each student has a team of adults that care about them and are there to encourage, help and support them.

Fort McMurray Public Schools have always been a preferred choice; this continues to be the case as demonstrated by increasing enrolment year after year."

Reflecting on the enrolment increase, Superintendent Annalee Nutter notes the significant growth in FMPSD secondary schools and the school-specific programming and achievements that help promote excellence for students.

"Each of our secondary schools has seen an increase in enrolment. École McTavish has grown by 14.2% this year, the second year they have increased enrollment by such a large number. The new high school addition continues to draw students, but Grade 9 enrollment is also up significantly. École McTavish hosts a number of PEAK programs and recently received $100,000 for a brand-new science room via the Breakthrough JR challenge, won by a McTavish student. École McTavish has also had their first Schulich Leader Scholarship winner, who won last year. The band and drama programs are especially strong and attracted more than 100 students to try out for roles in the first production post-COVID. École McTavish offers enough variety to capture the interest of any student.

Composite High School has experienced a growth of 10.4%; its Paul Martin Program (an Indigenous entrepreneurship program) has more than tripled in size. Composite offers esports programming and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) options. They also have an active music program and students have been busy on collaborative art projects with community artists, which resulted in a beautiful outdoor learning space. Composite also had its first Schulich Leader Scholarship recipient last year; great things are happening at Composite High School.

Since September, 15.1% more students have graced the halls of Westwood Community High School. Westwood is home to the Advanced Placement (AP) program, world-class robotics teams, a student who won FOUR Schulich Leader Scholarships, a National Spelling Bee finalist, a $70,000 TD Scholarship winner and students who consistently win at the National Science Fair. Westwood has much to be proud of.” 

FMPSD is focused on providing every student with the best educational experience starting with the Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP) and kindergarten programs. For children who turn 4 by December 31st of a given school year (are born in 2018 for the 2022-2023 school year, and are born in 2019 for the 2023-2024 school year), ECDP is an opportunity to grow and develop through literacy-enriched play. Fort McMurray Public Schools build on ECDP through rich kindergarten programs which offer play-based learning environments to support student growth.

We look forward to welcoming families to our ECDP open houses at every elementary school on: Wednesday, March 22nd 2023, from 5-7 PM; and Thursday, March 23rd 2023, 9 AM - 12 PM. Additionally, our kindergarten open houses will be offered at every elementary school on: Thursday, March 30th 2023, between 5-7 PM; and Friday, March 31st 2023 from 9 AM - 12 PM.

With all that FMPSD has to offer, who wouldn’t want to attend Fort McMurray Public Schools?

For additional information, contact:

Momin Syed                                                           
Communications Coordinator

Fort McMurray Public School Division