Doing What’s Best for Kids

FMPSD 2023 Graduates: Achieving Success Amidst Adversity

Posted on: General News

(Fort McMurray, AB - June 30th, 2023) Fort McMurray Public School Division (FMPSD) has been a hub of education, advancement, and excellence for decades. It has provided quality education to its students and guided them into becoming responsible and successful individuals. Over the years, FMPSD has produced graduates who have excelled in various fields and positively impacted their communities.

This year’s graduating class represents a diverse group of students who have achieved their goals through hard work and dedication. Despite facing challenges that tested their resilience and perseverance, these graduates have succeeded in an environment that demanded their best. The FMPSD Class of 2023 faced numerous challenges during their academic journey, including the 2016 wildfires, a global pandemic and floods; despite these setbacks, the graduating class emerged triumphant, achieving academic excellence and paving the way for a bright future.

As the Class of 2023 now prepares to graduate from FMPSD, the division can proudly boast of this exceptional batch of students. This year's graduates have displayed unparalleled talent, creativity, and dedication that have not gone unnoticed. They have excelled in academics, sports, arts, and community service, making FMPSD proud of their achievements.

FMPSD Superintendent, Annalee Nutter, extends heartfelt greetings and well wishes to the esteemed Class of 2023 as they embark on their exciting, yet uncertain, new chapters.

“Graduation events are always an emotionally charged time for everyone involved; the students, their families, their teachers and even their Superintendent!  We are all so proud of each student's accomplishments throughout their time in the Division, and seeing them progress through their years with us, makes it even more of a celebration. You cannot predict where a student’s learning will take them, but knowing they are ready and able to step out into the world and achieve whatever goals they have, is satisfying, and every former teacher celebrates this moment with them.”

As the Class of 2023 gets ready to move on to the next chapter of their lives, FMPSD wishes them all the best in their future endeavours. The division is confident that these graduates will continue to excel and make a difference in pursuing higher education, professional careers, and beyond. They have inspired us all and will be remembered as a success story of FMPSD.

Congratulations to the Class of 2023!

For additional information, contact:

Momin Syed                                                           
Communications Coordinator
Fort McMurray Public School Division