The Board may delegate specific powers and duties to committees of the Board that are established by the Board, subject to the restrictions on delegation in the Education Act. As much as possible, the Board’s business of governance will be conducted by the full Board of Trustees. The Board may establish committees of the Board when necessary to assist it with governance functions, however, committees and the appointment of members to each committee shall be done at least annually at the Organizational Meeting. Committees of the Board shall never interfere with delegation of authority from the Board to the Superintendent.
General Requirements
- The Board may appoint Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees and shall prescribe their terms of reference (purpose, powers and duties, membership and meetings).
- The committee shall have no authority to spend or commit any resources of the school division other than those specifically identified in the terms of reference.
- A committee of the Board cannot exercise authority over staff.
- Membership on a committee shall not be a quorum of the Board with the exception of the Committee of the Whole.
- Committees shall hold meetings in private where legislation and Board Policy provide for the same.
- The Board Chair shall act as an ex-officio non-voting member of all committees appointed by the Board unless acting as a substitute for one of the regular members.
- A committee of the Board may not speak or act for the Board except when formally given such authority for specific and time-limited purposes. Such authority will be carefully stated in order not to conflict with authority delegated to the Superintendent.
- A committee of the Board shall not be created by the Board to advise the Superintendent.
- Committees of the Board will normally provide alternatives, and the implications of those alternatives, for the Board’s consideration. The Committee chair, unless directed otherwise, shall prepare and submit a report to the Board. Such reports shall be included in the agenda package.
- The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with committees and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.
Standing Committees
Standing committees are established to assist the Board with work of an ongoing or recurring nature. Standing committees are usually appointed annually at the Organizational Meeting.
- Negotiations Committee
- Purpose
- To represent the Board and ensure the Board mandates for negotiations are accurately represented during the negotiations process.
- Powers and Duties
- Keep the Board of trustees informed regarding negotiations and the implementation of the Board’s negotiating mandate.
- Observe negotiations activities and represent the Board in caucus meetings.
- Conduct necessary reviews to provide the Board with advice and recommendations respecting proposed changes to collective agreements.
- Conduct negotiations activities within the negotiations mandate provided by the Board including conclusion of memorandum of agreement.
- The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board regarding approval of a negotiated memorandum of agreement. The Board retains all decision making authority relative to such approval.
- Meetings
- The Committee shall meet at the request of the Committee Chair. The agenda for each meeting shall be determined by the Committee Chair in accordance with the terms of reference of the Committee, the chair shall endeavor to provide agendas and supporting materials to committee members one week in advance of the meeting.
- Membership
- Two (2) trustees.
- Purpose
- Management Compensation Committee
- Purpose
- Make recommendations to the Board regarding Superintendent Compensation and Deputy Superintendent, and provide advice to the Superintendent on Associates and Assistant Superintendents’ compensation, hereinafter the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
- Powers and Duties
- Conduct necessary reviews to provide the Board with advice and recommendations respecting the SLT.
- The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board regarding approval of annual compensation adjustments for the Superintendent and advise the Superintendent on other SLT members.
- Meetings
- The Committee shall meet at the request of the Board Chair and/or Superintendent but no less than twice per year. The agenda for each meeting shall be determined by the Board Chair and/or Superintendent in accordance with the terms of reference of the Committee, the Chair shall endeavor to provide agendas and supporting materials to committee members one week in advance of the meeting.
- Membership
- Board Chair and the trustees from the Audit and Finance Committee.
- Purpose
- Networks Committee
- Purpose
- To foster respectful, collaborative relationships between and among the Division, its students, parents/guardians, and school councils.
- Powers and Duties
- Liaise with participants at least four times yearly to provide parental/guardian insight into topics of interest and importance.
- Provide an opportunity for the Division's school councils to collaborate with each other.
- Undertake specific activities as directed by the Board and as are required to foster positive relations with students, parents/guardians, and school councils..
- Address specific matters or assignments as referred to the committee by Board motion.
- Representatives of the board will receive, review and report to the Board on the School Council Annual Reports.
- Receive the Board's feedback and responses to the School Council Annual Reports, as presented.
- Meetings
- The Networks meeting schedule shall be established by the Board at the Board Organization meeting each year.
- Additional meetings may be scheduled by the Networks Liaison Committee in consultation with the Board Chair.
- The agenda for each Networks meeting shall be determined by the Networks Liaison Committee in accordance with these terms of reference, and in consultation with the Superintendent for approval by the board. In addition, resource persons and/or School Councils may request items of business for Networks Liaison Committee consideration.
- Minutes of each Networks meeting shall be circulated to Trustees, senior administration and School Council Committee representatives.
- Membership
- The Networks Liaison Committee (considering of three (3) Trustees (one (1) to serve as Chair)
- A representative from each School Council
- Superintendent
- Purpose
- Awards/Scholarship Committee
- Purpose
- Make recommendations to the Board regarding the Visual Art Award, Partners in Education Awards, and the Edwin Parr Award.
- Powers and Duties
- Become informed regarding the criteria for each award
- Conduct necessary reviews to provide the Board with recommendations regarding each award.
- Meetings
- The Committee shall meet at the request of the Committee Chair. The agenda for each meeting shall be determined by the Committee Chair in accordance with the purpose of the committee and the timelines associated with the Board’s decisions regarding the awards.
- The chair shall endeavor to provide agendas and supporting materials to committee members one week in advance of the meeting.
- Membership
- Two (2) trustees
- Purpose
- Agenda Planning Committee
- Purpose
- To make decisions regarding agenda items for regular Board meetings.
- Powers and Duties
- After careful consideration, to determine items to be placed on the agenda of regular Board meetings, including adherence to the Board Annual Work Plan.
- Within the framework for Board agendas, determine the order of items placed on the agenda of regular Board meetings.
- Review and respond to requests from delegations to meet with the Board.
- Review the agenda Six (6) days prior to each regular Board meeting.
- Membership
- Board Chair.
- Vice-Chair.
- Superintendent and/or designate(s).
- Purpose
- Board Committee of the Whole
- Purpose
- To allow the Board to explore matters too much greater depth than can be accomplished in a scheduled regular meeting of the Board.
- To solicit and receive information from the Superintendent relevant to the development of various system activities and plans.
- To ensure the Board keeps the Board Policy Handbook current, in compliance with legislation, regulation, practice, and the Handbook serves as a useful Board governance tool.
- Discuss with the auditor the Financial Quality Indicators in the Superintendent’s evaluation (Policy 12 Appendix). Were any deficiencies identified in the previous year's audit report and management letter and have they been remediated to the satisfaction of the Auditor.
- Powers and Duties
- Make recommendations for agenda items for subsequent Board meetings.
- Investigate alternative means to address policy-related issues referred to the Committee by Board resolution.
- Ensure appropriate input is sought and considered from affected parties when reviewing referred policies (such as school viability).
- Maintain confidentiality of proceedings unless otherwise stated.
- Membership
- Membership includes all trustees and the Superintendent and/or designate(s).
- Meetings
- Meetings are normally held monthly, as required, dependent upon agenda items. The Vice-Chair will chair all Board Committees of the Whole meetings. If the Vice-Chair is absent or unable, the Board Chair or designate will chair the meeting.
- Purpose
- Audit and Finance Committee
- Purpose
The Audit committee purpose is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its fiscal oversight responsibilities in relation to:
- the discharge of its fiduciary responsibilities relating to the division’s accounting practices, reporting practices and internal controls, as well as to its financial risk management procedures and practices,
- maintaining direct lines of communications with the Superintendent and with the external auditors; and
- monitoring the scope of the activity of the external auditors and assessing their performance.
- Powers and Duties
- The Committee will annually review the performance of the auditors and consider the continuation or recommend a change in the external auditors to the Board. Review the terms of engagement for the external audit.
- Meet with the auditor before the audit is performed and when substantially complete. The meeting shall be in part with the absence of any members who are staff.
- Review the recommendations of the external audit, any significant problems encountered in performing the audit, the contents of the Management Letter issued by the external auditor to the division, and administration's response to the recommendations.
- Follow up and report to the Board regarding the remediation of any identified deficiencies identified in the audit report or management letter.
- Provide a report to the Board any unresolved significant issues between management and the external auditor that could affect the financial reporting or internal controls of the division.
- Review the division's unaudited three times yearly financial variance reports with particular attention to the presentation of unusual or sensitive matters such as disclosure of significant non-recurring events, significant risks, changes in accounting principles, estimates or reserves, and all material variances between comparative reporting periods.
- Periodically review its own Terms of Reference, and make recommendations to the Board as required.
- Address any issues referred to the Committee by the Board.
- Provide minutes of their meetings to the Board following each Committee meeting.
- Membership
- The Committee will be comprised of the Board Chair who shall serve as Committee Chair, a Trustee from the Audit & Finance Committee, and one other Trustee, two community members who can support with financial risk management oversight, and the Associate Superintendent of Business and Finance.
- External Members may serve up to two (2) consecutive terms of three (3) years on the Committee. In the event of an unfilled vacancy, or in order to provide transition and continuity, an External Member can be extended for one additional year.
- Meetings
- Meetings will be held at the call of the Chair. The Chair of the Committee, in consultation with the Superintendent or designate, will set the agenda for each meeting which will be circulated among the Committee Members. The chair shall endeavor to provide agendas and supporting materials to committee members one week in advance of the meeting.
- Purpose
- Advocacy Committee
- Purpose
- The Advocacy Committee's purpose is to assist the Board of Trustees by developing advocacy action plans in partnership with and input from our schools and community members to positively impact the students it serves.
- Membership:
The committee will be comprised of the following members:
- Three Trustees; one of whom is the Board Chair.
- The Superintendent or designate and another member of senior administration.
- Areas of Focus: Areas of focus include:
- Political lobbying (such as Capital Plan, Renewed Funding Framework, Emergent Topics).
- Political networking (MPs, MLAs, Mayors, Reeves, Parents, School Councils, Councilors, Alberta Education and other ministries) through lunches, meetings, etc.
- Promoting the role of the Trustee and public education.
- Responsibilities/Objectives: The Advocacy Committee will:
- Provide broad advice on systemic (ongoing foundational) issues for the Division.
- Develop an advocacy plan for the upcoming year by May of each year.
- Provide specialized expertise/resources on a specific issue/topic that arises (i.e. Municipal and Provincial elections, reduction to funding and programs, the impact of policy changes);
- Facilitate networking and communication opportunities relating to advocacy; identify advocacy needs and resources (i.e. toolkits, individuals, associations) while working in conjunction with specific sectors;
- Support government relations strategies;
- Communicate advocacy efforts to schools and community members.
- Meetings scheduled as needed
- Purpose
- Policy Advisory Committee
- Purpose
- To ensure the Board keeps the Board Policy Handbook current, in compliance with legislation and the Handbook serves as a useful Board governance tool.
- Powers and Duties
- To create an annual work plan to conduct a review of existing Board Policies to provide the Board with advice and recommendations with respect to the handbook.
- Conduct necessary consultation to develop new policies as directed by the Board.
- To perform other duties or tasks as assigned by the Board.
- Through the Superintendent, invite staff, schools, community members and others for consultation.
- The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board regarding work assigned to the committee.
- Meetings
- The Committee shall meet at the request of the Committee Chair and or Superintendent. The agenda for each meeting shall be determined by the Committee Chair in accordance with the purpose of the Committee. The chair shall endeavor to provide agendas and supporting materials to committee members one week in advance of the meeting.
- Membership (If the policy affects the indicated group)
- Three trustees
- Superintendent
- Purpose
- Student Liaison Committee
- Purpose
- To foster respectful, collaborative relationships between and among the Division and its students.
- Powers and Duties
- Liaise with Student Advisory Councils and FNMI Student Advisory Council by participating in three meetings yearly with student representatives from FMPSD schools. These meetings will be planned (dates set in consultation with the liaison committee at the beginning of the school year) and led by staff.
- To foster positive relations with students by addressing specific matters or assignments as referred to the committee by Board motion.
- Report to the board on the Student Advisory Councils and the FNMI Student Advisory Councils.
- Meetings
- Meetings of this committee shall take place as needed to fulfill the powers and duties of this committee.
- Membership
- Three (3) trustees (one (1) to serve as Chair of the Student Liaison Committee
- Superintendent or designate
- Purpose
- Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees may be established at any meeting of the Board for the purpose of studying, investigating, or acting on specific matters; they cease to exist as soon as they have completed the specified task, or at the end of the school year in which they were established unless extended by Motion of the Board. Terms of reference shall be outlined at the time of establishment.