In Alberta, each school board is charged with the responsibility to govern the affairs of the school authority under the Education Act.
Trustees make important decisions about how school divisions are run, including setting policies, approving the Division's budget, hiring the superintendent and determining the direction of the school division. They also represent the interests of parents, students and community members in the education system. School board trustees play a critical role in shaping the quality of education in their communities. They ensure that schools are well-governed, financially responsible and focused on student success.
As elected officials, trustees have many responsibilities, including:
- Become familiar with Division policies and procedures, meeting agendas and reports to participate in Board business.
- Recognize his/her fiduciary responsibility to the Division and act in the best interests of the Division, understanding that Division needs are paramount.
- Vote on every Board motion unless there is a conflict of interest.
- Support a majority vote of the Board as if the vote had been unanimous.
- Provide for the engagement of parents, students and the community in matters related to education.
- Respectfully bring forward and advocate for issues and concerns.
- Refer matters not covered by Board policy but requiring a corporate decision to the Board for discussion.
- Refer administrative matters to the Superintendent.
- The trustee, upon receiving a complaint or an inquiry from a parent, staff member or community member about operations, will refer the parent, staff member or community member back to the teacher, Principal or department and will inform the Superintendent or designate of this action.
- Keep the Superintendent and the Board informed in a timely manner of all matters coming to his/her attention that might affect the Division. Personnel matters are to be brought to the attention of the Superintendent only.
- Attend Board meetings and committee meetings as assigned, prepared to participate in, and contribute to, the decisions of the Board in order to provide the best solutions possible for education within the Division.
- When delegated responsibility, a trustee will exercise such authority within the defined terms of reference in a responsible and effective way.
- Participate in Board/trustee development sessions so the quality of leadership and service in the Division can be enhanced.
- Be cognizant of provincial, national and international educational issues and trends.
- Following a trustee development activity, share the materials and ideas gained with fellow trustees.
- Strive to develop a positive and respectful learning and working culture within the Board and the Division.
- Attend School Council meetings as a Board representative upon invitation, when possible.
- Attend Joint Networks/Administrators meetings.
- Attend, when possible, Division functions/events.
- Attend, when possible extra-curricular school activities, graduations, when designated or formally invited as Board representative.
Prospective candidates for Trustees should familiarize themselves with FMPSD Board Policies and the Role of the Board slideshow.