Doing What’s Best for Kids

Policy 11: Board Delegation of Authority


The Education Act allows for the Board to delegate certain of its responsibilities and powers to others.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to do any act or thing or to exercise any power that the Board may do, or is required to do, or may exercise, except those matters which, in accordance with section 52.4 of the Education Act, cannot be delegated. This delegation of authority to the Superintendent specifically

  • Includes any authority or responsibility set out in the Education Act and regulations as well as authority or responsibility set out in other legislation or regulations;
  • Includes the ability to enact Administrative Procedures, practices or regulations required to carry out this authority; and also
  • Includes the ability to sub-delegate this authority and responsibility as required.

Notwithstanding the above, the Board reserves to itself the authority to make decisions on specific matters requiring Board approval. This reserved authority of the Board is set out in Board policies, as amended from time to time.

Further, the Board requires that any significant new provincial, regional or local initiatives must be initially brought to the Board for discussion and determination of decision-making authority.


  1. The Superintendent is authorized to suspend a teacher from the performance of the teacher’s duties or to terminate the services of a teacher. The suspension or termination shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act, and the decision shall not be appealable to the Board.
  2. The Superintendent is authorized to suspend from the performance of duties or to terminate the services of any non-certificated staff member. The suspension or termination shall be in accordance with all relevant legislation, and the decision shall not be appealable to the Board.
  3. The Superintendent is directed to develop Administrative Procedures that are consistent with Alberta Education policies and procedures relative to:
    1. Student Evaluation.
    2. Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation.
    3. Early Childhood Services.
    4. School Dispute Resolution
  4. The Superintendent is directed to develop an Administrative Procedure to fulfill Board obligations created by any federal legislation or provincial legislation other than the Education Act.