Doing What’s Best for Kids

Policy 12: Role of the Superintendent


The Superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and the Chief Education Officer of the Division. The Superintendent reports directly to the corporate Board and is accountable to the Board of Trustees for the conduct and operation of the Division. All Board authority delegated to the staff of the Division is delegated through the Superintendent.

Specific Areas of Responsibility

  1. Student Learning
    1. Provides leadership in all matters relating to education in the Division.
    2. Ensures students in the Division have the opportunity to meet or exceed the standards of education set by the Minister.
    3. Ensures that learning environments contribute to the development of skills and habits necessary for the world of work, post-secondary studies, life-long learning and citizenship and promote engaged students, ethical citizenship and entrepreneurial spirit in students. 
    4. Provides leadership in fostering conditions which promote the improvement of educational opportunities for all students.
    5. Provides leadership in implementing education policies established by the Minister and the Board.
  2. Student Welfare
    1. Ensures that students are provided with a welcoming, safe, respectful and caring environment that encourages respectful and responsible behavior.
    2. Ensures the safety and welfare of students while participating in school programs or while being transported to or from school programs on transportation provided or approved by the Division.
    3. Ensures the facilities adequately accommodate Division students.
    4. Acts as, or designates, the attendance officer for the Division.
  3. Fiscal Responsibility
    1. Ensures the fiscal management of the Education Division by the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance is in accordance with the terms or conditions of any funding received by the Board under the Education Act or any other Act or regulation.
    2. Ensures the Education Division operates in a fiscally responsible manner, including adherence to recognized accounting procedures.
    3. Prepares and presents the budget which reflects Board priorities.
    4. Ensures the Board has current and relevant financial information.
  4. Personnel Management
    1. Has overall authority and responsibility for all personnel-related matters, except the mandates for collective bargaining and those personnel matters precluded by legislation, collective agreements or Board policy.
    2. Monitors and improves the performance of all staff and ensures appropriate evaluation processes are in place.
    3. Staffs the organization in a manner that ensures that educational and administrative functions are carried out effectively and efficiently.
    4. Provides for professional development and training of staff.
    5. Ensures that each staff member is provided with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe working environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.
  5. Policy/Administrative Procedures
    1. Provides support to the Board regarding the planning, development, implementation and   evaluation of Board policies.
    2. Develops and keeps current an Administrative Procedures Manual that is consistent with Board policy and provincial policies, regulations and procedures.
    3. Inform the Board of substantive changes as per 5.2.
  6. Superintendent/Board Relations (“The First Team”)
    1. Engages in and maintains positive, professional working relations with the Board.
    2. Respects and honours the Board’s role and responsibilities and facilitates the implementation of that role as defined in Board policy.
    3. Attends (or designates attendance for) all Board meetings and makes recommendations on matters requiring Board action by providing accurate information and reports as are needed to ensure the making of informed decisions.
    4. Provides the information and counsel which the Board requires to perform its role.
    5. Keeps the Board informed on sensitive issues in a timely manner.
    6. Attends, and/or designates, administrative attendance at all committee meetings.
    7. Demonstrates respect and support for the Board, which is conveyed to the staff and community.
  7. Three Year Education Planning and Reporting
    1. Leads the Three-Year Education Planning process including the development of Division goals, budget, facilities and transportation plans and implements plans as approved.
    2. Involves the Board appropriately (Board approval of process and timelines, Board identification of priorities and key results, opportunity for Board input early in the process, final Board approval).
    3. Reports regularly on results achieved.
    4. Develops the Annual Education Results Report (AERR) for Board approval.
  8. Organizational Leadership and Management
    1. Demonstrates effective organizational skills resulting in Division compliance with all legal, Ministerial and Board mandates and timelines.
    2. Reports to the Minister with respect to matters identified in and required by the Education Act and provincial legislation.
    3. Provides leadership in organizational effectiveness.
    4. Reviews, modifies and maintains an organizational chart which accurately delineates lines of authority and responsibility.
  9. Communications and Community Relations
    1. Ensures open, transparent, positive internal and external communications are developed and maintained.
    2. Keeps the Board informed through the provision of appropriate accountability reports.
    3. Ensures parents have a high level of satisfaction with the services provided and the responsiveness of the Division.
    4. Maintains effective relationships within the system and the community served by the system.
    5. Acts as the Head of the organization for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.
    6. In consultation with the Board Chair, serves as a spokesperson for the Division for the media and public in order to keep the Division’s messages consistent and accurate.
  10. Leadership Practices
    1. Practices leadership in a manner that is viewed positively and has the support of those with whom the Superintendent works most directly in carrying out the directives of the Board and the Minister.
    2.  Develops and maintains positive and effective relations with the community and with local, provincial and regional government departments and agencies.