Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 100: Three-Year Education Plan


Planning in education is an essential part of ensuring that all students have equitable opportunities to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to be self-reliant, responsible, caring and contributing citizens. Planning ensures resources for education are used in the best possible ways to meet the educational needs of our young people.

The Division plan outlines priorities for student learning in the Division, guides budget development, and forms the basis for reporting on progress and achievement.

The Division is required by Alberta Education to prepare an education plan that aligns with the Alberta Education Three-Year Business Plan and focuses on student learning over a three-year period. Plans are updated annually so that, as one year is completed and another is added, the plan continues in a three-year time frame.


  1. Divisions Planning Guidelines
    1. The vision, mission, motto and belief statements will provide overall direction for Division planning.
    2. The planning process will recognize identified local priorities.
    3. The actions and endeavours of the Division and its schools must be guided by sound planning processes. The planning process must provide ample opportunity for input and meaningful involvement by persons from schools and community members. Formal processes for the system to develop, revise and extend its Three-Year Education Plan that identify priorities, outcomes, measures, targets, strategies and timelines for task completion will be developed each year.
  2. Three-Year Education Plan
    A Division education plan that meets local goals and fulfils provincial accountability requirements will be developed and implemented.
    1. The plan will be kept current to ensure focused, efficient and effective change and improvements.
    2. The plan will be updated annually.
    3. The plan will be improvement focused and will identify areas/priorities for improvement each year.
      1. The plan will include the provincially mandated priority areas with strategies and measures.
      2. The plan may include other strategies and measures in the plan reflecting local goals.
    4. The plan will outline the deployment of resources and be consistent with the provincial funding framework.
    5. The Superintendent will:
      1. Submit the plan to the Board for approval each year;
      2. Ensure that the Division Three-Year Education Plan is submitted to Alberta Education in a form and at a time that meets requirements;
      3. Prepare a news release advertising the initiatives to be undertaken during the upcoming school year; and
      4. Make provision for distribution of the Three-Year Education Plan and its placement on the Division website.
    6. Progress reports including areas of success and areas for improvement on the Division education plan will be presented to the Board in accordance with the annual Board Work Plan and as deemed necessary.