Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 102: School Education Plans and Annual Reports


All principals are required to prepare annual plans that are in harmony with the annual Division Three-Year Education Plan.

All principals in the Division will prepare a subsequent annual report that informs the local school community of the results of the education plan for the preceding school year.


  1. Principals shall develop an annual School Education Plan in consultation with school staff and School Councils.
    1. School Education Plans will identify school actions to accomplish the directions of the Division's Three-Year Education Plan as well as school priorities.
  2. School Education Plans are to be submitted to the Superintendent by May 1 of each year.
  3. Principals, in consultation with their staff, and School Councils shall prepare an Annual Report that informs the school community about the results of the school’s Education Plan.
    1. School Annual Reports are to be submitted to the Superintendent by November 1 of each year.
  4. All plans and results reports must satisfy the provincial requirements.