Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 105: School Based Decision Making


The appropriate delegation of decision making to the school level will enable the Principal, in collaboration with school staff and the school community, to make high quality decisions responsive to the local educational needs of students.


  1. Annually the Division shall approve a set of educational and management guidelines and a budget allocation model applicable to all schools.
  2. The guidelines and the allocation model will form the basis for school based decision making during the school term and will address:
    1. A focus on student achievement, teaching and learning
    2. Staff, parent, and community participation
    3. School goals, objectives, and expected outcomes
    4. The scope and latitude of decision making responsibilities assigned to schools
    5. Fair distribution of resources among schools and programs
    6. Roles, responsibilities and distribution of authority within the organization
    7. Evaluation of the outcomes and the efficacy of school based decision making
    8. Information sharing with schools and community members
    9. In-service and professional development opportunities for staff