Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 110: School Councils


The Division recognizes the important contributions that parents can and wish to make to the education of Division students and encourages and supports parents and schools in the establishment of school councils associated with Division schools.


  1. Formation of School Councils
    1. Notice of Meeting
      If a school that is required to have a school council has no school council, the school must, within 40 days after the start of the school year, hold a meeting for the purpose of establishing a school council.  Notice of the meeting must be given by the Principal to all parents/guardians, staff and other members of the school community that the Principal may choose.  Notice must include the purpose, time, date, and location and be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.  Notice may be given by any means the Principal considers appropriate, including electronic means. 
    2. Chairmanship
      The Principal must decide who is to act as the chair and who is to act as the secretary at the establishment meeting. 
      1. The establishment meeting will determine the chair and other members of the executive for regular meetings. 
      2. If the establishment meeting is unsuccessful in establishing a school council, the Principal shall establish an advisory committee to carry out some or all of the duties of the school council until the next establishment meeting is held and a school council is formed.
    3. School Council Membership
      A school council must include: the Principal,  a teacher, at least one student (for high schools only), parent/guardians of students enrolled in the school, including Early Childhood parents.  Members can determine processes to include one or more persons who are not parents but have an interest in the school.
    4. Determination
      If the majority of parents present at the first meeting vote to do so a school council shall be formed.
    5. Constitution – Bylaws – Proceedings
      School councils shall govern their affairs independently of the Division and shall determine as a matter of right their own constitutions and by-laws and rules of procedure. Division officers may and are encouraged to support school councils through attendance at council meetings and through the provision of such information and advice as may assist councils to achieve their objectives.
    6. Meetings
      A school council shall hold such number of meetings as it may determine necessary to the conduct of its business, but no less than one meeting per year. For any school year, the first meeting must be held within 40 days after the start of the school year or as specified in the bylaws of the school council.
    7. Names of School Councils
      School councils shall determine their names as they wish.
    8. Election of Officers
      The officers of school councils shall be such as may be specified in the council’s constitution and shall be elected annually.
    9. Principals must ensure that each student council member complies with the Education Act, the council’s regulations, and Division policies and procedures.
  2. Dissolution of School Councils
    A school council shall be dissolved when a majority of its members approve a resolution to do so or when, at the end of a school year no meeting has been held in the preceding twelve months.
  3. Objectives
    While it is recognized that school councils may establish their goals and objectives independent of the Division the objectives of this Administrative Procedure shall be, generally, to
    1. Enhance communication between the school and its community,
    2. Provide a means by which the home, the school, and the community can work together for the benefit of Division students,
    3. Provide a forum for discussion of Division schools’ philosophies, plans, and operations notwithstanding that the Principal continues to hold authority and responsibility for the management of the school in accordance with the School Act.
  4. Development of School Councils
    In order to facilitate the development of school councils for each Division school
    1. Principals will support the council chair to organize an annual general meeting. 
    2. The Alberta School Councils Association prepares and distributes literature describing and supporting the development of school councils on an “as required” basis and will provide such assistance as may be required by schools to ensure that parents are fully informed and freely choose to organize or to not organize school councils.
    3. Principals shall advise the Superintendent when school councils for their schools have been formed.
  5. Evaluation
    1. The Board shall meet a minimum of 4 times a year  with the Chairs of school councils to discuss with them their perceptions respecting the effectiveness of the operations of those councils.
    2. The Chair of a school council must prepare and provide to the Board by September 30th (June 15th to the Board Recording Secretary to accommodate submission to the Board by September 30th) of each year, a report: 
      1. Summarising the activities of the school council in the previous year.
      2. Detailing the receipt, handling and use of any money by the school council in the previous year.
      3. The school council must retain at the school a copy of the minutes for each meeting of the school council and make them available to the Board of the public on request.  These minutes should be retained for at least 7 years.