The Division’s corporate identity is one of the first points of contact that the public has with the Division. The organization’s corporate identity tells a lot about who we are as an organization and plays a key part in defining the Division to our public. The corporate identity also establishes the ‘look and feel’ of who we are and what we represent. The Division’s corporate logo is an integral part of our corporate identity and aligns closely with the vision, mission, motto and belief statements in telling our story to broad public audiences.
A key measure in defining the success of the Division’s corporate identity is the extent to which we are able to achieve consistency across all communications and marketing platforms. Consistent execution of the Division’s corporate identity (including logo) will be necessary in all forms of print and digital communications, social media, web-based communication, corporate advertising, and building/vehicle signage. The Division's official corporate logo, branding elements and variations are detailed in the FMPSD Branding Guide.
The effective use of School brand elements (mascot, team names, logos and colors) is an integral part of the school system's visual identity program. School logos are expected to be protected and not appear in various altered states.
- All representations of the Division’s corporate identity in any internal or external communications resource must follow the FMPSD Brand Guidelines.
- The Communications Coordinator is responsible for ensuring the FMPSD Brand Guidelines are followed by the Division Office, Division schools and community members.
Division Logos
All FMPSD logos and brand elements are available from the Division's Communications Coordinator.
Wherever possible, the FMPSD logo or branding elements will be used on promotional items and clothing distributed to students, staff or the public, particularly items to promote division-wide initiatives.
The FMPSD logo shall not be altered in shape, color, or font. Any deviation in the use of the logo from the guidelines detailed in the FMPSD Brand Guidelines must receive prior approval from the Superintendent of Schools or designate.
The FMPSD logo may not be distributed to outside agencies or commercial enterprises without the permission of the Superintendent of Schools or designate.
School Logos
School logos must be developed in consultation with students, staff, schools and community members. Notice must be provided to the Superintendent's office prior to engaging schools and community members. The Communications Coordinator is available to assist with the engagement process and creating branding elements, including logos.
- Logos must be original and not infringe upon the copyright of any individual or corporation. On occasion, images may be licensed for use by a school. The school also assumes all related costs for licensing.
- Any school logos developed for the school must receive the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools or designate and once finalized, the logo must be submitted to the Superintendent or designate for final approval.
- Schools wishing to create an additional logo for a sports team or program may do so without losing the essential identity of the approved school logo.
A request to change a school's branding or logos must adhere to the same process and procedures outlined in Procedure 7. Schools must factor in the budgetary ramifications of this action and assume the additional costs if applicable.