Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 159: Spectator Code of Conduct


All staff, students, spectators and visitors at any school operated event or activity sponsored by the Division must model and promote caring, respectful, and responsible behaviours that contribute to a safe and caring environment.

The Division, its employees and students have the responsibility to ensure that every student is provided a safe, respectful and caring environment. This responsibility is to also maintain a safe and harassment free environment for our students and staff. The Division relies on the general public’s cooperation in modeling and promoting respectful responsible behaviours at all times. These responsibilities are to support the Board’s vision, mission, motto and belief statements and the responsibility to take reasonable measures to care for and protect our students and staff from harm.


  1. Every student has the responsibility to ensure his/her conduct contributes to a caring, respectful and safe environment.
  2. Every student has the responsibility to refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed towards others in the school, whether or not it occurs within the school building, a school-sponsored event, during the school day, before or after school, during a non-school day or by any electronic means.
  3. Every spectator has the responsibility to ensure his/her conduct contributes to a caring, respectful and safe environment and respect the professional judgment of teachers, coaches, game officials, volunteers and other adults or students providing support or a service to the school or for other students.
  4. Every spectator volunteer or member of the public has the responsibility to ensure that each student enrolled in a school operated by the Division, and each staff member employed by the Division, is provided with a caring, respectful and safe environment that fosters and maintains respectful and responsible behaviours.
  5. Every employee, spectator or member of the public, shall refrain from comments or behaviour which are disrespectful, offensive, racist, discriminatory, sexist, intimidating, insulting and/or offensive to the person(s) organizing and/or participating in a school activity or event sponsored by the Division.
  6. In the event that any person is reported to verbally or physically disrupts, or threatens to disrupt, the operations of a school or any school-related activity, threatens the health and safety or well-being of a student, staff or parent of a student enrolled in a school operated by the Division, this will constitute a breach of the Division’s Spectator Code of Conduct. In the event of a first breach of the Spectator Code of Conduct, the Principal, or designate, shall meet with that person to review the matter and expectations under the Spectator Code of Conduct.
  7. Any member of the public, who demonstrates a repeated pattern of disrespectful or disruptive behaviour that interrupts the proceeding of the event, will be directed to leave the school or activity by the Principal or a person designated under the school or Division’s authority.
  8. In the event that any person is deemed to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, cannabis, or any other substance, that person will be requested to leave the school property or event by a Principal or a person designated under the school or Division’s authority.
  9. In the event that a person seriously violates the proceedings of a school, after receiving a warning from the Principal or designate, the law enforcement may be contacted to assist in dealing with that person and to ensure the safety of students, staff and others. A Principal may restrict access to school or school-related activities to any person who repeatedly violates the Division’s Spectator Code of Conduct.