The Division’s primary concern is the safety of students and staff, and the preservation of property in the event of an emergency, crisis or disaster.
More than one type of incident can cause a school building to be evacuated, including but not limited to, fire, bomb threat, civil emergencies and natural disaster.
Since no two instances are identical in any situation, plans must anticipate multiple crisis and emergency possibilities and a variety of conditions.
- The Principal of each school will be responsible for a school emergency plan and coordinating the plan on joint facilities with other tenants. The Health and Safety Coordinator will be responsible for the Division Office plan. Such plans will be in written form, approved by the Superintendent and the authorities having jurisdiction including the Fire Department, the RCMP, the Regional Emergency Operations Center and Alberta Health Services and made accessible to all building staff and other schools and community members.
- All building staff shall be trained in the plan, including their responsibilities for the plan, and the training shall be updated on a regular basis as required to keep staff in readiness to execute the plan in an effective and safe manner.
- The Principal shall conduct a fire drill in the first week of the term and at least five additional times during the school year.
- The Principal shall conduct other drills as laid out by the Division’s Emergency Plan which includes shelter in place, hold and secure, lock down, on alert and a student release practice each in the first four months of the term and at least two times during the school year
- Principals will ensure that staff, students and other occupants of the building are prepared for any emergency, crisis or disaster according to the following preparedness checklist:
- For protection of students, staff and others in the event of natural or man-made emergency, crisis or disaster, the Principal has in effect an official and up-to-date plan which is coordinated with any overall community plan.
- Members of the staff have been assigned responsibility for tasks within the school’s plan to supplement the Division emergency and disaster plans.
- The school staff is trained to provide necessary leadership and services under emergency conditions and personnel are designated to specific tasks such as but not limited to:
- Order and safety
- First aid and sanitation
- Maintenance
- Food service
- Communication
- Transportation
- Logistics
- Recording the process, actions and results
- 4.4 The Principal has a plan for and the means of carrying out actions for specific emergency situations which call for different actions including but not limited to:
- Alert;
- Go home or to a predetermined billet.
- Leave the building and go to a predetermined shelter.
- Fire, shelter, evacuation, student release and other necessary drills are held frequently to ensure appropriate behaviour in time of emergency.
- Parents are familiar with the school plan for protection of students in the event of a natural or man-made crisis or emergency.
- In the event of any threat to the wellbeing and safety of the occupants of a school/building, the school/building will adhere to the procedures as laid out in the Division's Hour Zero planning and the current school site/building specific Crisis/Emergency Plan.