Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 185 - Appendix B: Records Retention Schedule


Information is valuable and a critical factor in the achievement of objectives. This Administrative Procedure is to provide for the planning, direction and controlling of District records throughout their life cycle for legal, fiscal and historical purposes.

Each file within the records management system is assigned a specific retention period. The retention periods below which reflect a range of years cover all of the records under that primary area.

For example, under General Administration, some files are kept two (2) years, some five (5) years and others seven (7) years depending upon the contents of the said files. The retention period covers the range for the general category.


Transitory records may be used in the preparation of more complete records such as those that document actions, recommendations, opinions, decisions, approvals, or the creation and modification of policy instruments.  However, transitory records are not relied on as evidence of Division activities, events or transactions or to understand the delivery of Educational and other services. Transitory records are destroyed when no longer needed.

Ref # Primary Subject Area Notes Responsible Department Retention Period (years) PIB*
AM-01 Associations/ Organizations Includes reports, newsletters, publications, conference and workshop information and proceedings from organizations to which staff belong. Originating Department Aug 31 +1  
AM-02 Committees - Internal & External Includes records of committees and councils on which staff members participate as members. Records include meeting minutes, notices, reports, recommendations and supporting documentation.
Excludes School Councils SEE: CG-03   Excludes Corporate governance committees (trustee) - SEE: CG-03
Originating Department Dissolution of committee August 31 + 3  
AM-03-01 Meetings – Internal Records include agendas, minutes, reports and resolutions from meetings involving staff. Excludes governance committees (e.g., admin. council, exec. council, etc.). SEE: CG-03 Originating Department August 31  
AM-03-02 Meetings – Senior Management Includes records regarding Senior Management Team Meetings, such as the Chief Superintendent, Directors, Principals, and Vice Principals. Includes minutes, agendas, records of decision, terms of reference, and supporting documents. Excludes governance committees (e.g., admin. council, exec. council, etc.). SEE: CG-03 Originating Department August 31  
AM-04 Forms Inventory Includes records regarding masters/originals of blank hard copy and electronic forms history used by the jurisdiction. Originating Department Until obsolete or superseded  
AM-05 Service Requisitions and Reports: Internal Services Includes records relating to translation, audio visual services, duplicating/ printing services and mail/courier services, requisitions and memos for services, confirmations and service logs/reports, correspondence, reports, etc. Excludes work order for Facilities Maintenance SEE: FM-09 series Originating Department August 31  


The function of governing boards/schools and exercising legal authority and control. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in boards/schools, such as the board and staff, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on its affairs. Includes resolutions, bylaws, policies and procedures, charters, board meeting administration, and strategic planning.

Ref # Primary Subject Area Notes Responsible Department Retention Period (years) PIB
CG-01 Articles of Incorporation, By-laws and Constitution Includes records related to the operation of the school board and capture details about the legal entity. Corporate Office Dissolution of the corporation + 2  
CG-02 Program Administration Includes records related to district-wide and/or area program oversight and administration of programs that do not belong to a specific function. Excludes: Educational Programs, Community Programs, Health and Safety Programs, etc. SEE applicable function series. Originating Department August 31 + 3  
CG-03-01 Committees - General Includes routine committee work such as: school standing, ad hoc committees, directors’ steering, standing, and advisory committees, and task forces. Examples include the Employee Assistance Program advisory committee; and Special Education advisory committee. Records include agendas, minutes, reports, and supporting documentation. Originating August 31 PIB
CG-03-02 Committees of the Board  Committees consisting of trustees, created by the board for a specific purpose. Includes agenda, minutes, resolutions, terms of reference, meeting briefs and supporting documentation. Corporate Office August 31 + 2 PIB
CG-03-03 Committees – External Board Includes records of external committees and councils on which board members sit. Records include agendas, reports, resolutions and any documentation which reflects obligations of the board. Originating August 31 + 7 PIB
CG-04 School Councils Includes records of the school council; agendas, minutes, terms of reference, and supporting documentation. Excludes Parent societies/associations/advisory committees. These are separate entities from the board. School Council/Corporate Office August 31 + 7  
CG-05 Guidelines, Policies and Directives: External Includes documentation about initiatives and guidelines provided by Alberta Education. Records include memoranda, directives, and correspondence such as Alberta Education Guidelines and Ministry Policy/Program Memoranda. Office of Superintendent Until superseded or obsolete  
CG-06-01 Guidelines, Policies and Directives – Board Approved Includes records relating to the development and approval of board and school operating practices, activities, and policies that apply district-wide that have been approved by the Board. Includes best practices, guidelines, procedures, handbooks and standards approved by the Board. Corporate Office Until superseded or obsolete + 2
Core records may have archival value.
CG-06-02 Guidelines, Policies and Directives - Administrative Includes records regarding directives approved by the Superintendent of Schools referencing internal controls. Records may also include regulations and procedure manuals, guidelines and directives, and all other procedures established by departments and programs. Corporate Office Until superseded or obsolete + 2  
CG-07 Intergovernmental Reporting and Communication Includes correspondence and reports between the board and various levels of government such as the municipality, provincial ministries, etc. Also includes correspondence and information on other school boards. Originating August 31
Some correspondence may have long term value.
CG-08 Organization Structure Includes records regarding reporting relationships, organization structure, organization analysis, etc. for both schools and school board. Includes organizational charts and school profiles. Corporate Office Until superseded or obsolete  
CG-09 Trustee Management Includes elections information, personal information, directories and news items regarding the trustees. Also includes trustees’ distribution and orientation information Corporate office Expiry of term of office + 2 PIB
CG-10 Elections Includes records of elections procedures and information. NOTE: Ballot boxes are to be kept sealed for 6 weeks following the election (Section 101 of the LAEA).  Nomination papers are kept for the term of the office (Section 28(5) of the LAEA). Corporate office Until superseded or obsolete  
CG-11 Information Requests from Trustees Includes information collected in response to specific requests from trustees. Includes Ad hoc requests for information, speaking notes, parent complaints. Corporate office Expiry of term of office + 3  
CG-12 Complaints Includes records related to complaints about the board and/or school and its activities. Includes correspondence, investigations, findings and related reports regarding resolution. Also includes complaints retained by area offices on schools. Originating Department Date complaint resolved August 31 + 1  


The function of offering programs and services to the community through school and board and school authority facilities. Generally refers to programs that are not part of day school.

Ref # Primary Subject Area Notes Responsible Department Retention Period (years) PIB
CP-01 Volunteer Programs Includes records volunteer programs such as recruitment workshops, annual receptions and volunteer activities in schools. Originating Department August 31  
CP-02 Community Programs and Services Includes records on the administration of specific programs, program reviews and reports of the activities of community liaison officers. Originating Department After program has ended August 31 + 1  
CP-03 Community Programs: Continuing Education Includes objectives, lesson units, principal reports, program reviews, teaching materials and related records used in continuing education programs (such as heritage awareness, second language, multicultural, seniors programs). Excludes: Student records pertaining to these programs.  SEE: SI-11 Originating Department Until superseded or obsolete  
CP-04 Community Programs: Driver Education Includes program outlines and correspondence concerning education in the safe operation of motor vehicles Originating Department Until superseded or obsolete + 1  
CP-05 Community Programs: Parks and Recreation includes correspondence and records of programs such as swimming and fitness made available through municipal Parks and Recreation or the YMCA/YWCA Originating Department Until superseded or obsolete  


The function of applying curriculum guidelines and designing education programs for students. Records include but are not limited to proposals, correspondence, lesson plans, and course outlines.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)



Development and Design


Includes proposals, correspondence and curriculum development materials.


Originating Department

Until program superseded or obsolete + 5



Planning and Curriculum Guidelines

Includes directives, guidelines and proposals for new curriculum programs. Includes meeting notes and reports, material regarding comparisons with programs in other school boards. Includes program review reports and other valuations of specific programs in the curriculum. (e.g., junior/senior kindergarten, French immersion).

Originating Department

Until program superseded or obsolete + 5



Outline, Courses of Study

Includes outlines of available programs and courses of study.

Excludes: Home Schooling SEE: EP-05

School/ Originating Department

August 31



Library Management/ Learning Commons

Includes records related to board and school library/learning commons operations. Records include collection inventories, correspondence, acquisition and disposal planning and strategies, and other records related to library holdings and operations.

School/ Originating Department

August 31



Optional or Alternate

Records include information on the development, administration, and management of programs such as home schooling, Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), work experience, languages, FMNI, religious instruction, etc.


Excludes: Student records. SEE: SI-06

Originating Department


August 31

Retention of records for specific programs may be affected by legislation pertaining directly to that program.



Locally Developed Courses


Includes proposals, correspondence and curriculum development materials.


Originating Department

Termination of program + 5

Individual copyright applies, refer to citation 15



The function of managing board and school financial and accounting resources. Includes establishing and operating and maintaining accounting (payables, receivables, revenue) systems, controls and procedures, financial planning, reporting, preparing budgets and budget submissions, and the monitoring and analysis of capital assets. Records include but are not limited to accounts payable and receivable, budgets, audits, benefits accounting, expense payments, financial reporting, fixed asset management and all matters regarding the allocation and control of funds.

Ref # Primary Subject Area Notes Responsible Department Retention Period (years) PIB
FA-01 Accounts Payable Includes records documenting funds payable such as legal fees, trustee and employee expenses, procurement credit card (P-Card) payment, vendor transaction listings, payment vouchers, cheque requisitions, gas, hydro and phone bills, petty cash disbursements and supporting documentation. Finance August 31 + 6 PIB
FA-02 Accounts Receivable Records related to the accounting for money owed to schools and boards. Records include invoices, cash receipts, correspondence, cash lists and statements of account Finance August 31 + 6 PIB
FA-03 Audits - Financial Includes records regarding internal and external financial audits of accounts. Also includes records regarding tax audits of Goods and Services Tax (GST) conducted by the Federal Government and other external auditors and internal auditors, such as working papers, audit reports and post audit correspondence. Excludes: Non-financial Audits Finance August 31 + 10  
FA-04 Banking and Cash Management Includes records regarding banking transactions and relationships with banks. Includes bank statements, bank reconciliations, deposit records, cancelled cheques, cheque stubs and money order rates Finance August 31 + 6  
FA-05 Budgets Includes records pertaining to departmental and board budgets, both capital and operating and supporting documentation. Originating Dept. August 31 + 6  
FA-06 Capital Projects: Financing Includes records relating to the financing of capital projects. Includes quarterly reports, working papers, building monthly costs, capital payment vouchers, approvals, costing, capital expenditure forecasts and correspondence with architects and contractors. Finance August 31 of the year of project’s completion + 6  
FA-07 Capital Revenue Includes records related to capital revenue from sale of property and rental income from leased premises and other sources Finance August 31 of the completion of the sale + 6  
FA-08 Cost Allocations Includes records relating to allocation of tuition and other costs between school boards/authorities, correspondence, reports and related supporting documentation. Finance August 31 + 6  
FA-09 Financial Forecasts and Reports Includes records relating to general ledger (GL) balancing, including GL reports, variance reports, yearly schedule, and variance report changes, financial and economic planning and analysis of various financial issues such as revenue analysis, tax, GST, planning and analysis and related correspondence. Finance August 31 + 6  
FA-10-01 Financial Statements – Final Includes records regarding the final, signed, Board approved year-end financial statements and final statements. Finance Permanent  
FA-10-02 Financial  Statements - Working/Backup Documentation Includes records associated with the development of financial statements. Finance August 31 + 6  
FA-11 Funding Includes records related to funding from both government and other sources.
Excludes: Agreements and Contracts SEE: LE Series Excludes Fees and Fundraising: SEE FA-12 and FA-13
Originating August 31 + 6  
FA-12 Fees Includes records regarding fee collection and fund raising by schools and/or district such as school fees, fee collection and supporting documentation (may also Include funds allocated to or raised by the student council)
Excludes: Agreements and Contracts SEE: LE Series Excludes Funding and Fundraising: FA-11 and FA-13
Originating August 31 + 6  
FA-13 Fundraising: Charitable Organizations Includes records regarding the raising of funds for charitable organizations (completed contribution forms, promotional materials and reports) Excludes Funding and Fees: SEE FA-11 and FA-12 Originating August 31 + 6  
FA-14-01 Inventory Control: Capital Asset Records relating to capital assets valued over $5000 that will have depreciating value, including asset listings, depreciation details, asset transfer information, and details of extraordinary entries. Finance August 31 of the year of disposal of the asset + 10  
FA-14-02 Inventory Control: Non-capital Assets Records relating to non-fixed assets valued under $5000, including inventories of board-/authority-owned equipment.
Excludes hazardous materials SDS sheets  SEE: HS-04
Originating August 31 + 6  
FA-15 Investments Includes records regarding the board’s investments, term deposits and promissory notes, investment portfolios, pooling, adjustments, status reports, performance reports, investment tickets and supporting documentation, and records regarding debentures and bonds issued (initial issuance of the debenture or bond and records of payments made to investors). Finance August 31 of the year investment matures + 6  
FA-16 Journal Vouchers and Journal Entries Includes completed journal voucher forms, input forms, and all background documentation used to substantiate journal entries. Finance August 31 + 6  
FA-17-01 General Ledgers is a collection of all the assets, liability, owner’s equity, revenue and expense accounts of the organization Finance Permanent  
FA-17-02 Subsidiary Ledgers, Registers and Journals Includes all subsidiary ledgers, registers and journals such as payment and receipt journals, payroll registers, purchase order registers, and year-end adjustments. Finance Until superseded or obsolete + 6  
FA-18 Enrolment Reporting Includes all counts and projections documenting enrolments of students in the school system and statistical reports required by Alberta Education as part of the funding process for the preparation of educational statistics. Finance August 31 + 6  
FA-19 Pension Contributions/ Support Includes contribution cards detailing pension and benefits obligations due to retired employees and other annuity or superannuation plans (TPP). Includes payroll records required to determine and verify pension payments Finance From the end of the year in respect of which those records and books of account are kept + 6  
FA-20 Purchasing Includes records regarding the purchase of goods and services; purchase requisitions, purchase orders, requests for proposal, requests for quotations, specifications, invitations to tender, proposals, tender submissions, bid and performance bonds, and all documentation regarding the selection process. Finance
August 31 + 6  
FA-21 Tax Returns Records relating to federal and provincial tax returns, property and goods and services taxes, charity information returns, assessments, receipts, details and supporting documentation. Finance August 31 + 10  


The function of managing and maintaining board and school authority buildings and facilities and supporting capital initiatives and building improvements. Records include maintenance and operations reports, requests and logs, environmental testing of facilities, equipment maintenance and testing, facilities planning and improvements, capital and non-capital projects, inspection reports, and records relating to property acquisition and disposition, building and office renovations, security, and property management relationships

Ref # Primary Subject Area Notes Responsible Department Retention Period (years) PIB
FM-01 Building and Site Approvals Includes documentation such as site plan approvals, building permits and reports pertaining to the approval of building plans by the municipality, Fire Marshal’s Office, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, and other government bodies Facilities Disposal of property + 10  
FM-02-01 Inspection and Testing Logs and Reports Includes all documentation to support the inspection and testing of buildings, equipment, physical plant and property. Records include logs, inspection reports, year-end reports, equipment lists and locations. Includes elevator logs, boilers and pressure systems, sanding and salting logs, certificates of inspection, deficiency lists, inspection sheets, condition analysis and reports. Also includes inspections of major systems, playground equipment inspections logs, chemical treatment log, playground inspections, physical education equipment inspections, technical program equipment, etc. Excludes: Emergency power systems inspections and testing, fire extinguisher testing, fire protection systems testing. SEE: FM-02-02 Excludes: Health and Safety logs and inspection reports SEE: HS-02 Series Excludes: Air Quality Reports SEE: HS-07 Facilities August 31 + 10  
FM-02-02 Inspections Logs and Reports: Fire Protection Systems and Emergency Power Systems Includes records regarding the inspection and testing of emergency power systems, fire extinguishers and fire protection systems. Facilities Until superseded or obsolete + 1  
FM-03 Site Specific Projects Records regarding renovations / restorations and repair to existing board owned facilities, such as reports and studies, inspection and remedial repair work reports, condition survey, design notes, technical specifications, copies of purchase orders, copies of contract documents, progress meetings, and deficiency reports, project review and final drawings and reports. Excludes: Original purchase orders SEE: FA-20 Excludes: Original contract documents SEE: LE Series Facilities August 31 of year of disposal of property + 10  
FM-04 Infrastructure, Maintenance and Renewal Projects (IMR) Includes project records regarding building improvements and supporting documents specific to additions, renovations, and alterations to schools and buildings. Records include drawings, project plans, specifications, meeting minutes, project updates, budgets, etc. Facilities August 31 of year of disposal of property + 10  
FM-05 Facilities  - Capital Projects Records regarding renovations / restorations and repair to existing board owned facilities, such as reports and studies, inspection and remedial repair work reports, condition survey, design notes, technical specifications, copies of purchase orders, copies of contract documents, progress meetings, and deficiency reports, project review and final drawings and reports. Excludes: Original purchase orders SEE: FA-20 Excludes: Original contract documents SEE: LE Series Facilities August 31 of year of disposal of property + 10  
FM-06 Drawings and Specifications Includes technical specifications for a project or property, e.g., mechanical, electrical and structural. Includes building and fire code requirements and architect’s instructions. Includes all drawings and plans of schools and offices, such as master drawings and floor plans, site plans, aerial plans, and plans for additions and alterations. Facilities August 31 of year of disposal of property + 10  
FM-07 Facilities Planning Includes records regarding the allocation of classroom and workspace to staff and students. Records include correspondence, proposed student enrolment studies and reports, facilities use plans, facilities designs and layouts, furniture layouts, etc. Facilities August 31 + 10  
FM-08 Land Surveys Includes land survey information such as legal property surveys, construction layout and control surveys, and field notes. Facilities Disposal of property + 10  
FM-09-01 Maintenance and Operations – General Includes records regarding maintenance of Board owned facilities, such as maintenance and repair requirements and arrangements, service work orders and schedules. Excludes: Fixed Asset maintenance and operations SEE: FM-09-02 Facilities August 31 + 10  
FM-09-02 Maintenance and Operations: Buildings/ Physical Plant and Equipment Includes records related to support the maintenance and operations of buildings, physical plant and equipment. Includes office equipment, work orders for fixed assets and supporting documentation. Facilities August 31 + 10  
FM-09-03 Maintenance and Operations: Grounds Maintenance requisitions, work orders, logs and reports showing action taken re grounds keeping, snow clearance, and cleaning. Facilities August 31 + 10  
FM-09-04 Maintenance and Operations: Pesticides Maintenance requisitions, work orders, logs and reports on pesticide application. Facilities August 31 + 5  
FM-10 Facility Bookings Records of bookings issued by the board for the use of school property. Originating dept. August 31 + 1  
FM-11 Physical Security Includes records regarding the security of office and school facilities and properties, including transportation, such as control of keys, trespassing, surveillance reports, sign in and sign out logs, etc. Originating dept./Facilities August 31 + 3 PIB


The function of managing all employees within the organization in accordance with policies and procedures. Records include but are not limited to personnel records, employee collective agreements, employee information (including medical information), and conditions of work, overtime, salary rates, pensions, benefits, payroll records, grievances, performance evaluations and recruitment.

Ref # Primary Subject Area Notes Responsible Department Retention Period (years) PIB
HR-01 Attendance – Employee Includes records regarding the management of employee attendance, absences (leaves and sabbaticals) and vacations. Records include details about vacation schedules, hours of work, absenteeism reports and related reports from electronic systems. Excludes: Individual employee time management SEE: HR-02 Human Resources August 31 + 3 PIB
HR-02 Payroll Administration – Time Management Generated by employee-entered information in the Payroll system. Includes: Records regarding allocation and distribution of labour, such as timesheets, Employee Attendance records cards, vacation / lieu time requests, overtime banked, statutory holidays banked, time, relief pay, daily pay sheets, sickness and accident (S&A), off/on duty report payroll adjustment, time input forms (overtime paid, stand-by, relief authorizations, car allowance claims, shift change, time sheets, statutory holiday paid) wage paid / holiday advance requests, Electronic timesheets (E-timesheets) and supporting documentation. Excludes: Administration of attendance SEE: HR-01 Human Resources August 31 + 7 PIB
HR-03 Criminal Records/ Vulnerable Sector Checks Includes records listing any criminal code convictions (police clearances) that have not been pardoned for all existing and new employees and service providers that come into direct contact with students on a regular basis. Human Resources Termination of employment +2 PIB
HR-04 Criminal Offence Declarations Annual offence declarations, signed by the employee/service provider, which lists all criminal code convictions registered since the date of the last offence declaration. Human Resources Until superseded or obsolete + 1 PIB
HR-05 Staff Listings and Reports Includes all report listings concerning staff, e.g., staff directories, seniority lists, retirement lists and lists of supply teachers. Excludes: Emergency Call Out Lists SEE: HS-05 Human Resources Until superseded PIB
HR-06 Benefits Administration - General Includes records regarding the administration of benefits generally, not shown elsewhere in this series. Records may include brochures, rates, quotes, correspondence and explanatory documents regarding benefits offered to employees such as group insurance, dental plans, employee assistance program. Excludes: Individual Employee Benefit  SEE: HR-07-01 Human Resources Until contract lapses or records are superseded + 2  
HR-07-01 Employee Records – Master Includes records regarding the employment history of the board employees.   Includes initial resume and application, internal applications, benefit enrollment forms, salary calculation forms, change advice, employee master record cards, certification of level placement, probationary contract, key tasks, and employee verification forms. Excludes: Employee Payroll Records: SEE HR-07-02 Human Resources Termination of employment + 10 PIB
HR-07-02 Employee Records – Payroll Includes records regarding individual employee payroll information, such as TD1s, log books, direct deposit authorizations, car allowance, and business travel forms and supporting documentation. Human Resources August 31 + 7 PIB
HR-07-03 Employee Records – Performance Management Includes supervisor/administrator records regarding employees’ performance, such as reviews by supervisors, performance development process forms, commendations, disciplinary, performance and non-medical counselling notes and supporting documentation. Human Resources To be sent to HR for consolidation under HR-07-01 PIB
HR-07-04 Employee Records – Training Includes records regarding employee training supported by the district, including conferences and seminars, and certifications / accreditation that an employee or a subcontractor must possess in order to successfully fulfill the position requirements. Human Resource Termination of employment + 3 PIB
HR-08 Employee Surveys Includes surveys and research conducted on board staff regarding issues and planning that affect them

Human Resource

Until superseded, obsolete or August 31



Job Descriptions

Includes job descriptions and specifications as well as background information used in their preparation or amendment and positions of responsibility.

Human Resource

Until superseded or obsolete + 2



Labour Relations - Negotiations and Agreements

Includes records regarding the administration and interpretation of the board’s collective agreements and includes seniority lists, implementation plans, records related to collective bargaining, e.g., final offers, memorandum of settlements, mediations, arbitrations used in preparation for bargaining. Also includes relationship and contact with management exempt staff associations and supporting documentation

Excludes actual collective agreements. See LE-05-03

Human Resource

Date collective agreement expires + 5



Labour Relations -  Grievances and Arbitration

Includes records regarding grievances filed by employees, such as evaluation reports, notifications, correspondence with unions concerning grievance initiators, and legal opinions.

NOTE: Service Units to forward all grievance material to Human Resources upon settlement of the grievance.

Human Resource

Settlement of the grievance/ arbitration, or expiration of the appeal + 5



Labour Relations: Union Certification

Includes original documents concerning the certification of Labour unions.

Human Resource

Until dissolution of the union + 1



Pension Administration

Includes records regarding the administration of pensions such as plan documents, deduction registers, and prior service summary reports, records of decisions, annual/tri-annual evaluations, remittances and reconciliations. Also includes records regarding pension policy decisions.

Excludes: Employee specific pension information SEE: HR-07 Series


Final payout of the pension or date pension records are transferred to pension authority (LAPP/ATRF) +10



Training Program Records

Includes Records regarding various internal and external training and education programs offered to employees.

Excludes: Specific employee records pertaining to training SEE: HR-07-04

Human Resources/Originating Department

August 31



Recruitment and Hiring

Includes records regarding the administration of a specific competition such as requisitions, copies of advertisements, evaluation criteria, career fairs records and blank interview guides.

Excludes: Specific Resumes and Job Applications SEE: HR-14

Human Resources

Completion of competition



Resumes and Job Applications

Records include applications, resumes and applicant evaluations to support recruitment in the school and school board.

Excludes resumes of candidates selected to be interviewed.

NOTE: Shred unsolicited resumes on receipt


Completion of competition or date of receipt of resume/ application if unsolicited.



Salary Administration

Includes records regarding the planning and scheduling of salaries, such as job evaluations, job classification systems, salary surveys and schedules, salary increments, service pay and substitution pay.


Until superseded or obsolete



Staff Awards, Recognition and Honours

Includes records relating to special recognition and awards presented to staff.


Historical value.  Subject to inclusion in the employee record.




Records include volunteer registration, guidelines, correspondence, criminal record and vulnerable sector checks, offense declarations, confidentiality agreements, technology use agreements and drivers’ abstracts.


Retention should consider the procedures in place for volunteer management.



The function of promoting health and safety, and encouraging attitudes and methods that will lead to improved wellness in the jurisdiction.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)



Health and Safety Programs

Includes: Records regarding the development, objectives and administration of safety programs, program audits, guidelines and compliance and statistics.

Health & Safety

August 31



Health and Safety -  Audits and Inspections

Includes records regarding health and safety audits and inspections.

Health & Safety or Originating

August 31 of audit and all deficiencies rectified + 3



Health and Safety - Inspection Reports

Includes records of inspections carried out in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Health and Safety

August 31 of inspection and all deficiencies corrected + 3



Health and Safety -  Incident Reports:

Includes completed forms reporting an incident.

Excludes Individual student and employee medical health records (personally identifiable records) See: HR and ST series

Health & Safety or Originating

August 31 of incident report + 8

Incidents relating to WCB claim may be retained with WCB (ref LE-04)



Health and Safety - Safety

Data Sheets

Includes safety data sheets (SDS) as created and issued by the manufacturer.


Note: Safety data sheets are not records of the board, however every location that uses the material must have access to a data sheet, as required by OH&S Act.


Until superseded or obsolete



Emergency Plans


Includes records regarding emergencies and related plans to support the board and school in case of fire or other emergencies. I.e. business continuity plans, call lists, supplier/vendor contacts, and related reports.



Health and Safety

Date of offense + 2



Designated Substances and Hazardous Materials Management

Includes records related to the monitoring, management and disposal of chemical, biological or physical agents or substances.


Health and Safety

Date of offense + 2



Air Quality, Asbestos/Mold removal and containment

Includes records regarding renovation or removal projects on jurisdiction owned facilities containing asbestos/mold. Records include clearance documentation, regarding the removal of asbestos, air quality testing, asbestos removal consulting and removal report, asbestos audit testing, industrial waste receipt and supporting documentation.


Health and Safety

Disposal of property + 12



The function of applying and managing information and communications technology to support the business needs of the organization to capture, store, retrieve, transfer, communicate and disseminate information. Includes planning, determining requirements, developing, acquiring, modifying and evaluating information and systems to house information such as applications and databases. Also includes the systematic management of information and the appropriate decommission of systems and disposition of information

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)




Includes records regarding schools and service units that have transferred records to the Archives; archival donations from external sources; and artifacts and cultural properties from the Board of Trustee's Office. Documentation includes information regarding the records received, accession and deaccession records / registers, organizational updates, box contents listings, donor forms, and supporting documentation

Records Management


Expiration of time limited by section 33.1 for appeal + 3 months



Records Management Administration

Also includes records regarding the development, maintenance, and updating of records management program system documentation.

May include records regarding the administration of the records management system such as inventory, lists, location and warehouse information, vendor contact and supplies information, scheduling and supporting documentation.


Excludes Records Management Disposition Authorizations: SEE IM-02-03

Excludes: Records Management Retention Schedules: SEE IM-02-04

Records Management


Until superseded or obsolete.



Records Management – Transfer and Retrieval

Includes records regarding the transfer of custody and control of records from service units and schools to the records management system or to other jurisdictions. Records include: transmittals, requests for retrieval/return of records. Also includes student request /authorization and supporting documentation.

Records Management


August 31



Records Management – Disposition Authorization

Includes records regarding authorization of records disposition, as well as requests to suspend disposition (holds). Includes original signed disposition forms and accompanying transmittals; documentation accounting for officially missing records; hold authorizations; attachments and supporting documentation.

Records Management

Dissolution of organization



Records Management – Retention Schedules

Records include all histories and versions of approved system documentation.

Records Management

Until superseded or obsolete.



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy – (FOIP) Requests and Replies

Includes records regarding requests for information under the Province’s legislation, such as applications, correspondence and copies of material released


Once request is closed + 5



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) – Personal Information Banks (PIB’s)

Includes records regarding directories of personal information banks (PIB's) and supporting documentation. A personal information bank lists the type of personal information held by a public body.

A personal information bank does not provide direct access to an individual’s records.



Until superseded or obsolete + 1


IM O3 03

Disclosure of personal information under FOIP Act

Includes records documenting disclosures of personal information to authorized personnel i.e.) social workers, law official investigating

School site


Disclosure +1



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) - Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA's)


Includes records regarding completed privacy impact assessments (PIA) and related documentation.


Until superseded or obsolete + 3



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) - Statistics

Includes records regarding statistical reporting of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy requests to the Province


August 31



Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) - Investigations

Includes: Records regarding documents and reports concerning investigation of privacy breaches.



Once final report is completed + 7



Research and Statistical Analysis

Includes records regarding copies of research papers and background data and analysis relevant to the administrative functions of the district.  Also includes records regarding the analysis of data, such as reports, opinions, position papers, studies, and supporting documentation.

Excludes: Research and Planning on issues regarding schools/board SEE: RP Series


Research complete + 5



Information Technology - Helpdesk

Includes records regarding the performance of typical daily helpdesk functions for the district. Records include help desk submissions, background documentation submitted by the user, scripts used by the helpdesk to respond to inquiries.

NOTE: Records may be escalated to IM -05-02

Information Technology Services

Until superseded or obsolete/ticket resolved + 1



information Technology – Maintenance and Support

Includes records regarding system maintenance and support, such as change requests, system statistics, information and reports, hardware / software checks and testing. Also includes software upgrades, problem management and database change requests. e excludes: IT helpdesk functions See: IM-05-01

Information Technology Service

Life of system + 3



information Technology – Functional, Technical Specifications

Includes records regarding systems development functional and technical specifications and requirements, such as background requests, requirement definitions, studies, surveys, schools and community members engagement information and business cases used to design/develop software/hardware specifications. Also includes acceptance/compatibility criteria, modeling, final specifications and supporting documentation

Information Technology Services

Life of system + 3



Information Technology – Installation and Implementation

Includes records regarding system installation / implementation, such as data conversion plans, copies of agreements with third parties, mapping information and implementation plans.

Information Technology Services

Life of system + 3



Information Technology  – Backup Tapes

Backup tapes are considered transitory records until they are required in the event of a disaster or the district is required to access for data recovery.

Information Technology Services

Data tape is full or taken out of rotation + 1



Information Technology – Plan


Includes records regarding the comprehensive framework used to manage and align an organization's Information Technology (IT) assets, operations, and projects with its operational characteristics, defining how information technology will support the district’s operations.

Information Technology Services

Until superseded or obsolete + 9



information Technology – System, Server, Network Monitoring

Includes records regarding the management and monitoring of system / server network environment, such as performance statistics, configurations, performance benchmarks, job scheduling, installations, etc.

information Technology Services

August 31



Information Technology  - Information Security

Includes records pertaining to the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, infection from viruses, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording or destruction in accordance with confidentiality, integrity and availability requirements.

Excludes: physical security SEE: FM-11

Information Technology Services

Until superseded or obsolete.



Information Systems -  Architecture

Records relating to the design of computer systems and/or software, including needs assessments, business cases, project charter, process flowchart documentation, impact analysis, user and system requirements, specifications, testing plans and results, user sign-offs, project management meeting minutes/documentation, system development documentation, software design records, and software inspection notes. Also includes records on system installations/conversions and product evaluations. May also include requests for significant modification, fixes and upgrades

Information Technology Services

August 31 + 2



Access Control and Password Records

Records related to the management of and access to programs. Includes individual access, password management, etc.

Information Technology Service

Termination of employee + 1



Telecommunications Systems

Records relating to the management, maintenance and use of telecommunications including landline and wireless mobile devices and equipment. Includes system documentation, configuration details and services provided

Information Technology Services

August 31 + 3



Web Administration – Web Management

Includes: Web management and operations records that provide context related to the site such as administrative and technical records necessary for or produced during the management of a web site.

Information Technology Services

Until superseded or obsolete + 3



Web Administration – Web Structure

Includes records that provide structure to the web site including site maps that show the directory structure into which content pages are organized, software configurations used to operate the site and establish its look and feel including server environment configurations and specifications and supporting documentation

Information Technology Services

Life of website + 3



Web Administration – Web Content

Includes records regarding web content records such as the content pages that compose the site, inclusive of HTML markup, records generated when a user interacts with a site, lists of the URLs referenced by the site's hyperlinks and supporting documentation. Documents posted on websites are for publication only and are considered transitory


Until superseded or obsolete + 1



The function of addressing legal issues relating to the operations of the board and schools. Records include, but are not limited to, claims and litigation files, appeals and hearings, contracts and agreements entered into on behalf of the board and schools, deeds and titles relating to properties, harassment incidents, etc.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)




Incident Claims and Reports

Includes reports related to student/employee accidents that occur on board and school authority property, schools and the administration offices or on school trips. Records include claims, communications, investigations, reports, administration of first aid and action taken as a result of the accident

Excludes: claims/ litigations, WCB claims/ reports  SEE: LE-04


location or corporate office keeps student accidents;

all others kept at corporate office


Date of incident of report and all action taken + 10





Includes records of hearings conducted with regard to issues that affect the school or school board. Records include correspondence, reports, discovery findings, hearing proceedings and final decisions


Last action taken that advances claim + 5





Includes all liability claims and litigation against or entered into by the boards/authorities and schools. Records include reports, correspondence, investigations, WCB claims, etc.


Last action taken that advances claim + 5



Contracts and Agreements - General

Correspondence and information related to contracts and agreements.

Originating Department or Corporate/ Legal

Contract lapses + 7



Contracts and Agreements - Employee

Includes records regarding employee related contracts, such as employment contracts, retirement agreements, etc. which may also contain memos and affidavits of execution and supporting documentation

Human Resources

Contract lapses + 7



Contracts and Agreements – Educational

Includes records regarding educational related agreements, such as cooperative education agreements, work experience agreements.

Excludes: agreements related to employment SEE: LE-05-02 Excludes: agreements related to land SEE: LE-10 series

Corporate/ Legal

Contract lapses + 7



Deeds and Titles

Includes original deeds to any board owned property.

Corporate/ Legal

Disposal of property + 10



Insurance Policies

Includes records regarding liability insurance policies held by board such as copies of insurance certificates / policy documents and supporting documentation. Also includes records relating to policies to cover loss or damage to property or premises and cover staff and general public against injury or death resulting from accidents on school/ board premises or occurring during employment.

Excludes: insurance claims and accident reports SEE: LE-01

Corporate/ Legal




Legal Opinions/ Precedents

Records relating to legal opinions and precedents about legal issues identified by the school/board. Records include case law, correspondence, reports, and findings/opinions provided to requestor

Corporate/ Legal

Until superseded or obsolete + 5



Policing Arrangements

Includes correspondence between schools and police departments regarding extra duty officers, police visits to schools, and related items.

Originating Department

August 31



Property  -Acquisition and Sale

Includes land purchase agreements, development agreements, property appraisals, valuations and quotes concerning land owned by the board and school authority or under consideration for purchase. Also includes plans, correspondence, reports and backup documentation relating to the acquisition or sale of lands.

Corporate/ Legal

Disposal of property + 10



Property - Occupancy

Includes: Records regarding lease and rental agreements and contracts for land, buildings or property, residential or commercial, by and to the board, such as signed leases, surveys, tenant information, schedules and receipts of payment and supporting documentation

Corporate/ Legal

Expiry date of contract/agreement and all conditions met + 6



Property Damage/ Trespassing Reports

Includes reports and general correspondence regarding property damage, theft or loss. Also includes vandalism reports, copies of repair invoices, monthly and annual summaries.

(jurisdictions may choose to have separate series/retention periods for minor vandalism vs. major vandalism)

Originating Department

Claim first new injury occurred, attributable to defendant that warrants bringing proceeding, or claim arose and other conditions + 12



Incidents - Discrimination and Harassment

Includes records of incidents involving staff and students, incident reports, investigations, and correspondence regarding these issues.


Excludes: appeals/hearings

SEE: LE-03

Originating Department

August 31 of report and all actions concluded +10



Unclaimed Personal Property

Document of disposition regarding unclaimed property


Disposition of property to Minister + 10



Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

Good record-keeping practices may help businesses establish a due diligence defence in the event of complaints to the Commission against the business.  Consider Maintaining hard copy and/or electronic records of the following:

  • your commercial electronic message policies and procedures;
  • all unsubscribe requests and actions;
  • all evidence of express consent (e.g. audio recordings or forms) by consumers who agree to be contacted via a commercial electronic message;
  • commercial electronic message recipient consent logs;
  • commercial electronic message scripts; and
  • actioning unsubscribe requests for commercial electronic messages.



Date of unsubscribe, last email of subscription or complaint or investigation.



The function of promoting and marketing board and school programs and services. Records in this function include board and school communication and press releases, speeches, websites, public relations activities, events and news releases; materials relating to marketing research, publications and reports.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)




Includes publications, artwork and copies of advertisements placed by the board or schools.


Excludes: advertisements for job postings. SEE HR-13

Originating Department

August 31



Appreciation and Commendation

Includes general commendations, certificates of appreciation and petitions received from the general public and parents.

Excludes: records relating to specific employees or student records SEE: HR and SI series

Originating Department

August 31




Includes memos, brochures, correspondence and related information about programs and activities sponsored by the board or by schools.

Originating Department

August 31



Memos, Special Events, Presentations, Ceremonies and Celebrations

includes speeches, memos, notices, correspondence with parents and others, programs and all related materials pertinent to events sponsored by the board or by schools (e.g., parents’ night, school opening ceremonies, reunions, community engagement etc.). Records include program schedules, correspondence, brochures, and event activity details.

Originating Department

August 31



Media Kits, Communications and News Releases

Includes records regarding board relations with the various media. Includes press releases, marketing and information releases, speeches, photographs, correspondence, etc.


Originating Department

August 31



Memorabilia and Branding

Includes school/board memorabilia, collectibles and other historical items that reflect the individual nature of the schools, such as informal school/board and school authority histories, logos and crests, songs, etc.

Schools / Originating Department

August 31 +1



Press Clippings

includes reports from newspapers, magazines, websites and other publications regarding the board and school authority, school, staff, students and trustees

Originating Department

August 31




Includes records for publications such as yearbooks, handbooks, marketing materials, calendars, annual reports, brochures, newsletters, and other promotional materials.


Originating Department

August 31 + 2



Communications Projects - originating from the district

Information that is prepared by communications on behalf of the board.


Originating Department

August 31



Communication about the district

Information that comes from external sources pertaining to the board.

Originating Department

August 31



The function of undertaking research and planning to support the ongoing operations of the school and board. Records include but are not limited to research surveys, studies and reports which address issues such as school boundaries, student demographics, municipal planning and statistics used to support Ministry funding requests.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)



Research and Planning - School Enrolments

Includes records regarding planning and development issues within the municipality that may have implications on enrolments within the school system. Includes subdivision plans, official plan amendments, population reports, and traffic studies.

Originating Department

August 31



Research and Planning: Student Demographics

Includes aggregate reports profiling the characteristics of the student population, such as age, grade, promotion, and country of birth, religion, and other trend data.

Originating Department

August 31



Research and Planning - School Boundaries

Includes information relevant to the establishment of school boundaries for purposes of enrollment and facility use. Includes boundary descriptions, school attendance areas and maps.

Originating Department

Until superseded or obsolete.



Research and Planning - School System

Includes records relating to internal and external research. Records include applications, surveys and research reports undertaken to capture information about school system issues; student evaluation and scoring systems and student backgrounds; school and career selection; external research, applications, surveys and research reports.

Originating Department

Until superseded or obsolete + 1



Research and Planning – External Requests

Includes external applications to conduct research from sources such as universities, graduate students, and foundations, and their final reports

Originating Department

August 31 + 1



Research and Planning -Educational and Curriculum  Planning


Includes all strategic and operational planning documents, and mandates, related correspondence, background and reference information, records of any research conducted into curriculum or program development, such as questionnaires, interest surveys and independent research studies.

Originating Department

August 31



The function of providing students with programs and services in accordance with the School Act. Records cover such areas as admissions, transfers and withdrawals, Student Records, guidance and counseling, assessments, consent/ permission forms for special activities and programs, and extracurricular programs and participation.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)



Bursaries and Awards

Includes supporting documentation regarding bursaries and awards presented to students at commencement or graduation.


Financial records regarding awards should be retained in appropriate record series in Finance. SEE FA series.

School/ Originating Department

August 31



Preliminary Assessment/ Accommodation

Includes records used prior to a formal assessment, if required. Records may include anecdotal notes, accommodations and interventions used prior to formal assessments and supporting documentation.


August 31




Case Files: Counseling

Includes case files of students who are referred for counseling. Records include referrals, reports, and case notes, authorization and counseling working documents, testing and test keys and supporting documentation.


Not to be kept as part of the Student Record.


School Counselors/ Originating Department

Retirement or transfer of student + 1



Specialized Assessment - Working Notes

Includes case files referencing students referred for a specialized assessment which may include but is not limited to psychological, learning, speech language, occupational, physical therapy, vision, hearing assessments, testing protocols, authorizations and supporting documentation.

Final reports resulting from assessments are placed in the Student Record file.

School/ Originating Department

Date student turns 18 + 10



Student Transfer Administration

Includes all office index cards, binders and student transfer logs that administer the transfer of students in and out of individual school. These contain personal information, as well as retirement/transfer information on individual students, which is available for immediate access and as backup information.

This may be retained electronically if a hard copy can be readily produced.


Store with Student Record files of students who have moved/transferred 

School year transfer date + 3



Student Records

Includes all information affecting the decisions made about the education of a student.  Includes records specified in the Student Record Regulation.


This is a provincial record that may be transferred to another board within Alberta as per the Student Record Regulation.  If the student leaves the province the records are copied and the copy set is transferred out of province.



Date of birth + 27



Programs: Co-operative Education

Includes correspondence with potential employers, surveys, and monthly monitoring teacher reports, statistics and other records of co-operative education programs. Also includes dual-credit, apprenticeship programs.

Excludes: Work Education Agreements SEE: LE-05-03

Excludes: Educational program administration and planning documents. SEE EP Series.

School/Originating Department

August 31 + 3



Student Activity Administration

Includes records regarding the administration of student exchanges, off site activity, field trips and arrangements for special events related to specific activities, such as concerts, festivals, track meets, facility tours, tournaments, art or essay contests, and science fairs. Records include correspondence, plans, schedules, etc.

Excludes: consent forms  SEE: SI-08-02


August 31 + 2



Student Activity Participation

Includes requests, consent/permission forms, acknowledgement of risk, correspondence and reports regarding school field trips and on and off site activities, consent for working in school laboratories (labs) such as science labs. Also includes reports relating to the student(s) involved in student exchanges.

Excludes: information on international students and host families SEE SI-12 series


August 31 + 2



Registers: Student Enrolment and Attendance


Includes registers and reports concerning the enrolment/attendance of students, recording of daily attendance, and daily absence reports. Also includes class registers for non-school system programs such as continuing education, driver education and heritage language programs.

School Principal

August 31 + 2



Student Marks

Includes information on students’ courses completed, marks received and mark verification sheets, and teacher mark books. Also includes electronic records.

 Excludes: report cards SEE: SI-06


School - Teaching

August 31 + 2



Mature Student Records: Continuing Education

Includes student appraisals, marks and other student-centered records for continuing education courses.


Date of completed school attendance



International Students

Includes records pertaining to out of country students applying to attend schools. Records may include applications for admission, correspondence between the student’s family and the International Bureau (Global Learning). May include copies of Government of Canada Embassy information, copies of Visa student permits, banking information and copies of educational reporting while student in attendance at a school.

Excludes: Student Record file SEE: SI-06

Originating Department

Date of birth + 27



International Students - Hosting

includes correspondence and records of international hosting programs including documentation on host families, police clearances for host families, minutes of meetings for agent information and supporting documentation to pursue opportunities to bring international students to schools

Originating Department

August 31



The function of providing students with transportation.

Ref #

Primary Subject Area


Responsible Department

Retention Period (years)



Transportation Reports and Costing

Includes records on bus route costing, fuel rates, bus capacity loading, and records regarding the escalation and de-escalation of fuel prices for vehicles and buses and its impact on the Bus Transportation Contract with the bus line Operators.

Excludes: Student Bus Services SEE: TR-02

Transportation Services

August 31



Student Bus Services

Includes records concerning transportation/busing for transportation of students to and from schools, Special Education, off site activities, field trips, and special programs. Records include bus schedules, requests for transportation, bus routes, boundaries and student lists (names and addresses).

Excludes: transportation bus costs SEE: TR-01

Transportation Services/Schools

August 31





Vehicle - Records



Includes information relating to the vehicle, insurance and registration, copies of purchase invoice, bill of sale, vehicle specifications, modification records (i.e. wheelchair lift installation), maintenance logs, records pertaining to work performed for upkeep of vehicle, accident reports, repairs, and insurance communication.

 Excludes: Vehicle inspections. SEE TR-03-02

Transportation Services

Life of Vehicle + 1



Vehicle - Inspection

Includes daily and monthly  trip inspection reports

Transportation Services

August 31 of inspection report + 6 months



Requests, Complaints & Appeals

Includes records concerning grievances and documentation of complaints or appeals to request Student Bus Services, such as school of choice appeals, yard service appeals, school bus stop complaints, etc.

Note: Staff grievances are housed in HR10-02.


Transportation Services

Complaint/ Appeal resolved and decision communicated to complainant



Bus Drivers

Includes driver licensing, abstracts, training, certifications, route or bus applications, medicals.


August 31 + 4



Bus Drivers - Logs

Daily logs.

Transportation Services

August 31 + 6 months




Includes route maps, ECS routes, extra service runs, temporary alternate routes, route optimization, bus passenger lists, route maintenance requests.

Transportation Services

August 31




Includes transportation grant applications and supporting documentation.

Transportation Services/


August 31 + 7



Student Incidents Reports

Documentation relating to behaviour/misconduct.

 Excludes: Accident reports.


August 31 of incident + 1



*PIB: Personal Information Bank (PIB blank in this column means this item is not a PIB)
** Retention Periods are expressed in terms of school year end.  August 31st means end of current School Year.  August 31st + x means end of School Year plus x more years)

Adapted from ASBOA Records Retention Project, Model Retention Schedule Guideline.