Doing What’s Best for Kids

General Administration AP 190: Copyright


The Division acknowledges that it has a statutory and ethical responsibility to respect the legitimate copyright claims of creative contributors and their publisher/distributors. The Division also recognizes the need for students and staff to have access to a wide range of resources within the limits of the Copyright Act. Accordingly, there exists a need to clarify both the creator’s and the user’s rights with respect to use of copyright material.


  1. Information about the Copyright Act and Fair Dealing Guidelines shall be made available to all employees. This information shall be highlighted on an annual basis.
  2. Supervisors and principals shall review with new employees their responsibilities with regard to the Copyright Act and Fair Dealing Guidelines.
  3. Supervisors and principals will review annually the major sections of the Copyright Act and Fair Dealing Guidelines with all staff.
  4. All employees are expected to comply with the provisions of the Copyright Act and Fair Dealing Guidelines.