Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 206: Human Sexuality Program


To ensure that students achieve learning outcomes prescribed by Alberta Education through the programs of study/curriculum, the Division in providing grades 4 to 6 Physical Education and Wellness, grades 7 to 9 Health and Life Skills, and Career and Life Management shall ensure that the human sexuality component is offered to all students.


  1. Principals shall ensure that parents/guardians of students:
    1. Have access to information about the learning outcomes of grades 4 to 6 Physical Education and Wellness, grades 7 to 9 Health and Life Skills, and Career and Life Management (CALM);
    2. May request to preview the learning materials used in teaching the outcomes related to human sexuality; and
    3. Are advised at the beginning of the school year about their right and the process to exempt their child from the human sexuality components of the programs of study.
  2. If a parent should request that a student be exempt from instruction in human sexuality in accordance with Section 50.1, Student Exemption Form (Form 206-1), the teacher shall provide alternative instruction for the student.
  3. Alberta Education resources shall be used to support the Programs of Study as they relate to the human sexuality outcomes.
  4. Community resources and personnel must be approved by the Principal.