Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 207: Patriotic Exercises


Participation in and exposure to patriotic exercises play an important role in the development of good citizenship in students.


  1. Patriotic exercises will be designed to develop:
    1. An understanding and appreciation of what it means to be a Canadian;
    2. An awareness of civic rights, obligations and responsibilities; and
    3. A feeling of pride in our cultural heritage, which can flourish in the Canadian Mosaic.
  2. A student may be excluded from patriotic exercises on receipt by a Principal of a written statement signed by a parent.  The student may be permitted to leave the classroom or remain without taking part.  Exclusion from patriotic exercises will be without prejudice to any other activities of the school.
  3. Each morning before regular instruction commences, all individuals shall stand to participate in the playing of the National Anthem.
  4. The Canadian Flag, the Alberta Flag and portraits of the King shall be prominently displayed in each school, particularly in areas where students congregate for special activities.
  5. Whenever students are gathered for functions sponsored by the school and if circumstances are amenable, the activity shall be opened with the singing of "O Canada".
  6. Each Principal shall develop procedures, which will involve students and staff, to meet the intent of this Administrative Procedure.
  7. Remembrance Day is to be acknowledged and honoured as outlined below:
    1. Each Principal shall ensure a Remembrance Day Ceremony is conducted. All students shall either attend the ceremony or remain in the school elsewhere.
    2. On the school day immediately preceding November 11 at least two (2) minutes of silence from 11:00 a.m. to 11:02 a.m. will be observed in a Remembrance Day ceremony or by another appropriate means.
  8. In the event that staff and/or students, for reason of conscience, are unable or unwilling to participate, they shall make it known to the Principal so that alternate arrangements can be made.