Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 210: Early Childhood Services


Early childhood is a significant period in human development. The Division is committed to providing Kindergarten programs which are developmentally appropriate, meet the diverse needs of children and promote a positive attitude to lifelong learning.


  1. The ECS programs will serve children prior to grade one. Those with special needs may be served up to three years prior to the grade one entrance age.
  2. Kindergarten is considered to be the last year of ECS programming before grade one.
  3. Parent registration of children in an ECS program is voluntary.
  4. Each ECS program will be under the direction of a certified teacher.
  5. Each ECS program will operate for a minimum of 475 instructional hours.
  6. Transportation will be available for Kindergarten children in accordance with Division policies.
  7. Inclusive Education resource personnel will assist in meeting the developmental and diverse needs of children.
  8. Student enrolment information will be maintained on file for:
    1. Severely delayed children enrolled in a Program Unit Funding Grant;
    2. Severely delayed children not enrolled in a Program Unit Funding Grant
    3. Mildly or moderately delayed children;
    4. Disadvantaged children; and
    5. Regular needs children, including those considered immature.
  9. Each mildly, moderately, and severely delayed child will be served through an individualized program plan.
  10. Kindergarten programs will be offered in English and French Immersion.
  11. Kindergarten programs in both languages will be consistent with and planned, implemented, and evaluated on the basis of the principals and learners expectations as outlined in the ECS program statement. 
  12. The goal of the ECS Program is to provide a successful learning experience for each child.
    1. Recognizing parents as partners every effort must be made to communicate the child’s progress throughout the year.
  13. A child will be enrolled in a Kindergarten Program.
    1. Whose age on September 1 in the program in which the child is attending is,
      1. 4 years and 8 months for a regular program, or
      2. 5 years and 8 months for a developmentally immature child, if they have not previously been identified as mild, moderately or severely delayed.