Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 213: Inclusive Education


All children can learn and reach their full potential given opportunity, effective teaching and appropriate resources. Instruction, rather than setting, is the key to student success; therefore each teacher’s practice shall be in keeping with the provincial Teaching Quality Standard.

Each student identified with special educational needs shall be provided access to an appropriate special education program in the most inclusive setting possible.


Inclusive education is the differentiation of instruction and support for students with diverse needs in regular classrooms. It is also increasing the participation of all students in the curricula, programs and activities of all schools.

Individualized Program Plan (IPP) means a concise plan of action designed to address a student’s special educational needs. An IPP is based on assessment information that provides the basis for intervention strategies and it includes the following components:

  1. Assessment data
  2. Current level if performance and achievement
  3. Identification of strengths and areas of need
  4. Measurable goals and objectives
  5. Procedures for evaluating student progress
  6. Identification of coordinated support services, as appropriate
  7. Relevant medical information
  8. Required classroom accommodations (e.g., changes to instructional strategies, assessment procedures, materials, resources, facilities or equipment).
  9. Transition plans
  10. Year-end summary of results on the effectiveness of programming provided.

School-based Learning Team is a group consisting of appropriate school staff, Division consultants and parents that consults and shares information relevant to a student’s education program and plans accordingly.

Special education refers to the education of students identified with mild, moderate or severe delays and those who are gifted and talented. Special education is reflected in each student’s Individualized Program Plan (IPP).


  1. The following principles shall guide the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of special education:
    1. Students with special educational needs are provided additional supports and services to appropriately address their assessed educational needs.
    2. Assessments are used to assist in the development and implementation of appropriate educational programs and improve student achievement.
    3. Placement decisions are made in consultation with parents, although the Superintendent is ultimately responsible for making placement decisions that are in the best educational interest of the student with special educational needs that are balanced with the need to ensure learning and safety of all students.
    4. The Superintendent will ensure that special education is provided in keeping with the provincial Standards for Special Education (2004).
  2. Access to Special Education
    1. Special education programming and supports shall be provided to students with one or more of the following enabling/disabling conditions, where the condition(s) significantly impact the student’s ability to successfully learn:
      1. Gifted and talented abilities;
      2. Mild, moderate or severe disabilities, including:
        1. Sensory disabilities such as visual and hearing impairments;
        2. Physical and/or neurological delays such as autism spectrum disorder, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, genetic syndromes and traumatic brain or birth injury;
        3. Developmental delays such as learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral disorders, cognitive delays, speech, language or communication impairments.
    2. Students who are believed to be in need of special education programming shall be first formally identified through the assessment process that includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Classroom teacher observations, screening tools, academic assessments; and
      2. School-based achievement testing and behavior data collection; and
      3. Parent provided medical reports or other health related assessments, and;
      4. Specialized assessments by qualified professionals that assists in determining eligibility for special education
    3. The responsibility for conducting psycho-educational assessments of students rests with the Division. Parents must provide written informed consent to conduct a psycho-educational assessment of a student enrolled in a school operated by the Division.
    4. Student Services Department provides additional support and service to Division staff working with students with diverse learning needs. The Student Services Handbook provides procedures and guidance on how staff support the special needs of students and use of best practices in special education. The Student Services Handbook is to be updated to ensure congruence with Division and provincial policies. The responsibility for updating the Handbook rests with the Director of Education.
  3. Appropriateness of Special Education
    1. Appropriate special education programming shall be based on formal assessments, consultation with parents, and the recommendations of the Principal or designate. The responsibility for making placement decisions lies with the Superintendent.
    2. Students with special educational needs shall be provided an inclusive education program in the closest neighborhood school.
    3. Professional learning opportunities will be reviewed at the schools and incorporated into the schools PLF’s.  Division learning opportunities will be reviewed by the Inclusive Education department (consultation with schools and community members).
    4. Students shall have access to additional specialized programming if the learning and safety of the student are significantly beyond the support provided in the regular classroom and the student meets special education program criteria.
    5. Each student identified with a special educational need must have an Individualized Program Plan (IPP) developed, implemented and evaluated annually.
    6. The classroom teacher, in consultation with parents, shall regularly review student progress in order to determine:
      1. Continued access to special education supports; and
      2. Appropriateness of individualized program plan; and
      3. Student achievement and growth as a result of support and services provided.
    7. The Principal shall establish a learning team to provide consultation, preparation, and resources to support programming for students with special educational needs.
    8. The Principal shall identify teachers (Learning Assistant Centre teachers or LACs) whose responsibility it is to coordinate, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate IPPs. The regular classroom teacher can be assigned full responsibility for individualizing program plans for each student with special educational needs assigned to that teacher.
    9. Teachers of students with special educational needs shall:
      1. Involve parents, the student, and other appropriate professionals, in the development, implementation and evaluation of annual IPPs;
      2. Direct the Education Assistant(s) to realize the student’s goals as outlined in their IPP.
      3. Review and report student progress with parents and student;
      4. Make changes to the IPP as needed and based on consultation or assessment reports;
      5. Obtain parent signatures on IPPs to indicate agreement with the special education program provided on an annual basis;
      6. Keep a written record should the parent signature not be obtained on the IPP. The record shall include procedures used to communicate with the parent, reason(s) for refusal, actions taken to resolve the matter by the teacher, LAC and Principal.
  4. Accountability for Special Education
    1. The Principal shall ensure each student’s IPP includes information about the student’s current level of performance and achievement relative to learner outcomes of the student’s program of study.
    2. Teachers shall use results and reports of any assessment or consultation to support student learning and individualized programming.
    3. Parents shall be informed of student progress at regularly scheduled reporting periods and be consistent with Administrative Procedure 360 - Student Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting.
    4. The Superintendent shall ensure that special education programming is monitored and evaluated on a regular basis. Evaluation of special education programming shall include reporting student achievement results and behavior growth.
    5. The LAC shall ensure written consent of parents is obtained before teachers of students with special educational needs request external consulting services.
    6. Staff shall collaborate and coordinate services with other professionals or service providers, including the local health authority to support eligible students with special educational needs.
    7. The student’s final year-end IPP and formal assessments shall be placed on the student’s record. Parents shall be provided access to the information contained in the student record, in accordance with Student Record Regulation.
    8. Teachers interpreting the results of any formal assessment must maintain competency to do so, including competency with the Division’s Assessment Protocol (see Student Services Handbook).
  5. Appeal of Special Education
    1. Where a parent disagrees with the special education placement or program, or support services provided to a student with special educational needs, every effort shall be made to resolve the dispute in a collaborative, timely, fair and open manner.
      1. If this process does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, parents may appeal to the Director of Education.
      2. In the event that parents are not satisfied with a decision of the Head of Inclusive Education, they have the right to request a review by the Superintendent, then to the Board.
      3. Finally, parents have the right to request in writing a review of the decision of the Board to the Minister of Education.