Student learning will be enhanced through locally developed/ acquired and authorized junior and senior high complementary courses.
- The Division supports the development of locally developed/acquired and authorized courses to meet the specific educational needs of students. Locally developed/acquired and authorized courses are to:
- Cultivate the unique needs, interests and abilities of students;
- Involve students, teachers, and members of the community in course development;
- Foster educational improvement and excellence through innovation which may strengthen education programs and meet needs unique to the school and community;
- Be implemented where student numbers warrant and resources are available; and
- Meet the requirements of diversity in shared values according to the School Act.
- Locally developed/acquired courses shall be offered only after approval by the Board and the Minister of Education.
- A record of monitoring and implementation results shall be maintained by the Principal of the school offering the course.
- All locally developed/acquired and authorized courses shall be consistent with:
- The Ministerial Order made under section 39(1)(f) of the School Act;
- Recognizing Diversity and Promoting Respect.
- Approval of a locally developed/acquired and authorized junior or senior high course shall be by board motion and shall be for a maximum duration of three years.
- The description for each junior and senior high locally developed/acquired course submitted to Alberta Education for authorization is to include:
- Fort McMurray Public School Division and school where the course is to be offered;
- The title of the course;
- The motion of approval of the Board to offer the locally developed/acquired course;
- The junior high school grade or the senior high school year at which the course is to be offered;
- The credit allocation of three or more credits, if appropriate;
- Implementation date;
- The philosophy and rationale for the course;
- A statement of general learner expectations for the course;
- A statement of specific knowledge, skill and attitude learner expectations for the course;
- The anticipated enrolment;
- The special facilities or equipment necessary;
- The identification of controversial or sensitive course components and treatment at the school level;
- A list of learning resources approved for use by the school authority that must meet the requirements of Section 3 of the School Act and Alberta Education's criteria for recognizing diversity and promoting respect;
- A statement indicating that significant overlap with provincially developed courses does not exist beyond different method of delivery and/or additional instructional time;
- The assessment standards for the course;
- A plan for course evaluation and monitoring by the Principal or designate; and
- For senior high school courses, information regarding which other school authority is offering the course, if applicable, and how the course differs from that being offered by the Division.
- Courses are to have an instructional focus, be based on the development of new learning outcomes and shall not replace activities that are a normal part of: :
- Extracurricular or co-curricular programs offered by the school, e.g., school team sports, school newspaper, yearbook; and
- Community programs offered by individuals or organizations, e.g., figure skating, ballet, sports activities, clubs.
- The Principal is responsible for obtaining clearance of copyright and permission to use courses, learning resources and other related materials developed by other school authorities
- Locally developed/acquired and authorized second language courses shall reflect the curriculum standards established in provincial second language programs of study.
- Challenge assessments may be offered in approved locally developed/acquired language courses to recognize the proficiency of students in languages other than English.
- Locally developed/acquired courses involving an Off-Campus work placement is to conform to Administrative Procedure 216 - Off-Campus Education and applicable legislation such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System and local and provincial health, safety and building standards.
- Prior to submitting a course outline for Board approval, the course outline is to be forwarded to the Director, Curriculum Branch for review regarding overlap with provincially authorized curriculum and copied to the District.
- Principals shall forward all completed authorizations and course outlines of credit courses (including second language courses) to the Director, Curriculum Branch by May 31 for implementation in the first semester of the following school year, or by December 31 for implementation in the second semester of the same school year.
- Principals wishing to use locally developed/acquired courses previously authorized by another school authority or a post secondary institution shall obtain permission from the originator to use the course outline prior to authorizing the course.
- Any new locally developed/acquired and authorized course becomes the property of the Division and, as such, the Division retains the copyright for the course and materials.
- The Principal shall ensure that locally developed/acquired and authorized courses are evaluated, revised as necessary and re-submitted for Board reauthorization every three years. Motions of Board reauthorization shall be forwarded to the Director, Curriculum Branch.