Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 230: Online Education


Special circumstances occasionally prevail which necessitate a student to take courses by Online Education. Some junior or senior high school students may wish for instruction in courses that cannot be provided locally or, which are offered at a time that conflicts with their overall course load. The Division will support distance education as an appropriate program delivery method in order to provide enrichment and flexibility for students. The intent is not to replace traditional course instruction at the junior/senior high school level. Distance learning courses may be considered in cases where a student has transferred, is repeating a course, has a specialized interest, or some other factor that is acceptable to the Principal.


  1. Online Education courses may be taken upon the approval and recommendation of the Principal.
  2. The course costs shall be borne by the school budget provided that: 
    1. Severe timetable conflicts prevent a student from taking a required course by regular instruction during a particular school year;
    2. Limited student enrollments prevent the school from offering a required course during a particular school year; or
    3. The Principal recommends student enrollment in a distance learning course due to extenuating circumstances.
  3. The Division may provide partial payment, up to fifty percent (50%), for tuition fees for Distance Education courses upon receipt of proof of successful completion of the course in the following situations:
    1.  A student wishes to take an optional course that is not usually offered by the school; or
    2. A student wishes to register in a distance learning course over the summer to either upgrade a final standing or complete a required credit.
  4. Distance learning courses will not be supported in subjects that are currently available and accessible to the student.
  5. Students must have the required prerequisite(s).
  6. Adult students wanting to upgrade and/or complete their high school education may take distance learning courses provided that they pay the full cost of such courses prior to registration in the course(s).
  7. Students must complete a distance learning course in the time frame jointly set by the distance learning school coordinator and the student. Failure to do so may result in work not being accepted as evidence of satisfactory completion of the course, and permission to write the final examination may be denied.
  8. Students may proceed at an accelerated pace provided they are meeting the standard established in the course evaluation procedures.
  9. The Principal will establish rules and regulations governing the offering of distance learning courses. Consideration will be given to:
    1. Attendance requirements,
    2. Scheduling of lesson submissions,
    3. Record-keeping procedures,
    4. Evaluation procedures, and
    5. Classroom supervision.
  10. The distance learning program will be directed by an in-school coordinator who is responsible to the Principal.
  11. The Principal will make courses available that have proven (or are estimated) to be effectively delivered through distance education format and approve an individual distance education course load on the basis of proven success. An initial course load of five (5) credits in one (1) semester is offered as a guideline and may be gradually increased with successful experiences.
  12. Students who wish to take distance learning courses that are not approved by the Principal may elect to enroll in distance learning programs at their own expense. In these cases, the student will be required to pay the entire course cost.
  13. Textbooks will be provided by the school within the guidelines of the textbook rental program.