Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 235: Adult Education


The Division supports the provision of instructional programs that will assist all individuals in the acquisition of a basic education and accordingly authorizes the offering of adult educational opportunities through Day, Evening Courses and Summer School.

The Division recognizes that delivery of adult education is primarily the responsibility of Advanced Education.

  1. Day Programs
    Adult programs may be offered through Division High Schools
    1. Enrolment of adult students will be the direct responsibility of the Principal or designate.
    2. Adult students are defined as those who are nineteen years of age or older as of September 1, who in the opinion of the Principal or designate have educational needs which can be met within existing school programs.
    3. Adult students shall be required to follow the tenets of regular school rules.
    4. Regular students (under age 19) shall be given enrolment priority and first access to school programming. Adult students may be accepted in Division schools and will be accommodated when space is available.
    5. The choice of classes that an adult student may take shall be recommended by the school's counselling department and approved by the Principal or designate.
    6. Adult students will be enrolled only if, in the opinion of Principal or designate, an appropriate program is available and a similar program is not available from another community agency.
    7. All grade 10-12 students who are 20 years of age or older on or before September 1 of the current school term, will pay the following fee:
      $90.00 per credit
  2. Evening Courses
    1. Courses provided under this section will not interfere with “normal” school operation.
    2. Programs may include:
      1. Basic Adult Grades 1-9
        Grade level will be awarded upon successful completion.
      2. Evening Courses Grades 10-12
        Successful completion will result in awarding of credits.
    3. Hours of instruction shall be consistent with provisions in the Guide to Education – ECS to Grade 12.
    4. Evening Program shall be taught by certified teachers.
    5. Students in grades 10-12 under 20 years of age as of September 1 who successfully complete evening courses may have their fee fully refunded.
    6. Local Fee Assessment – to be reviewed annually.
      1. $90.00 per credit
      2. Instructional Material – $100.00 refundable
    7. The program will run after the regular school day has ended
    8. Course enrolment will need to be a minimum of 18 students.
  3. Summer School
    1. Organization of the Summer School Program shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent or designate. The Superintendent or designate will arrange for:
      1. The Summer School Principal and staff
      2. Planning the program to be offered
      3. Publicity
      4. Student registration
      5. Location, resources and financial support
      6. Completing
        1. Alberta Education forms and returning them to the Associate Superintendent of Business and Finance for authorization
        2. Program plans
        3. Student evaluation records
      7. Any other duties as may relate to the operation of Summer School.
    2. Operation of Summer School Program shall be subject to annual review by the Superintendent.
    3. The Summer School Program shall be offered in grades 4-12 and the primary focus will be Language Arts and Mathematics.
    4. Programs for students in grades 4-9 shall cover the entire Alberta curriculum for the subject.
    5. Programs for High School courses will have credit value.
    6. Summer School shall be supported on the basis of student fees and grants. Fees shall be established annually.