Doing What’s Best for Kids

Instructional Programs and Materials AP 260 - Form 260-8: Student Travel Waiver

For a downloadable form, please click here.


I/WE HEREBY AGREE to allow our son/daughter,  to travel with the school group under the supervision of teacher/supervisor, in their trip to 

leaving (date) and returning (date)

I/WE HEREBY WAIVE any rights my child/children or we, as parents or guardians, may other-wise have against the school or any of the employees of the school or the Board or any employees of the Board within the scope of their employment for any damage or injury suffered by our child/children during the said excursion or trip.

I/WE ACKNOWLEDGE that there are inherent risks associated with this activity and that I/WE or my child(ren) could sustain personal injury through participation in this event and I/WE are hereby accepting to take that risk on behalf of myself or my child(ren).

I/WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE that this consent and waiver is signed as a personal representative of 

(Signature of Parent/Guardian) 

(Signature of Parent/Guardian) 

(Signature of Student)