Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 302: International Student / Student Exchange Program


Students from outside Canada and Alberta attending District schools and District students participating in exchange programs foster national and international goodwill, promotes global education and cultivates appreciation of other cultures and our Canadian way of life.


Exchange student means a student from another country or Canadian school jurisdiction placed in the District while a District student is placed by the same organization in a foreign country or another school jurisdiction in the same year.

International student means a student(s) whose parent(s) or guardian(s) are citizens of and/or reside in another country.

Temporary Resident is defined by Alberta Education for purposes related to interpretation of Section 8 of the  School Act as person who:

  • Has been issued a student authorization and is registered in a full-time, full year program; or
  • Has  been issued an employment authorization to work temporarily in Canada (if a parent, the child(ren) meet(s) definition as temporary resident); or
  • Has filed a refugee claim to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) within the past year; or
  • Has been issued a federal Minister’s Permit; or
  • Has diplomatic status in Canada.
    Temporary residents will not include:
    • Visitors/tourists to Canada, with or without a valid visitor’s visa;
    • Individuals in Canada, with student authorizations who are not registered as a full-time, full-year program;
    • Individuals in Canada for three months or less for the purposes of language training.

Visiting student means a student from another country or Canadian school jurisdiction, studying in Alberta.  Arrangements for these students to study in Alberta are often made by such organizations as the Student Travel Schools, Education Foundation, Interculture Canada, Association of Scandinavian Student Exchange, etc.


  1. The District may accept a student who does not qualify as a Canadian student under Section 8 of the School Act.
  2. The District may charge tuition fees to any individual who is not a resident of the Province of Alberta who attends a District school.
  3. The District may:
    1. Each instructional year charge the International Student a fee that is established annually;
    2. Each instructional year charge a Visiting Student a tuition fee equivalent to the basic instruction grant
    3. Annually claim provincial grants for their resident student-on-exchange, and so will not charge tuition fees nor claim provincial grants for a reciprocal student-on-exchange.
  4. Admittance of an International Student:
    1. An International student must possess a student visa or documentation from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) authorizing the student to study in a school in Canada for a specified term.
    2. A District school must have available space and a suitable program.
    3. An International student may be charged a tuition fee and shall be charged the same school fees as paid by resident students.
  5. Admittance of Visiting Students
    1. A Visiting student, not eligible for funding from Alberta Education, must possess documentation from CCRA authorizing him/her to be lawfully in Canada, if from another country and any documentation from the organizing agency if from another province.
    2. The District school must have available space and a suitable program.
    3. The Visiting student is required to pay the tuition fee as set by the Board annually.
  6. Admittance of Exchange Students
    1. An exchange student must possess the required documentation from CCRA and the organizing agency.
    2. The District school must have available space and a suitable program.
    3. The Exchange student shall be charged the same school fees as paid by resident students but will not be charged a tuition fee.
  7. The number of International, Visiting and Exchange students permitted in any one-District school is limited to a maximum of four in any school year.
  8. International, Visiting or Exchange students who do not comply with the student conduct rules of the school may be withdrawn from attending the school.
  9. International, Visiting or Exchange students requesting permission to attend a specific District school shall apply in writing to the Principal of that school and include:
    1. A statement outlining the reason for application
    2. The nature and extent of the program expected;
    3. The age, grade standing, and transcript (high school only); and
    4. Copies of any documents from CCRA or organizing agency.
  10. The Principal shall be responsible for determining if facilities and resources exist within the school requested.
  11. The Principal must be satisfied that the student is a worthy candidate including:
    1. Having satisfactory language facility
    2. Being prepared to meet attendance and conduct procedures.
  12. The tuition fee for out of province or out of country shall be based upon an amount equal to the current Alberta Education Grants as follows:
    1. Basic
    2. Indigenous
    3. Northern Allowance
    4. Relative Cost of Purchasing
    5. Maintenance
  13. The Principal shall inform the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance in order that an appropriate tuition fee is assessed to the student and/or parent or agency.
  14. The Principal may provide a letter of acceptance conditional upon receiving necessary documentation to facilitate application for authorization to attend a school in Canada from CCRA Immigrant agent.
  15. The Principal is to identify students on the Student Information Record System as International, Visiting or Exchange students.
  16. Appeals
    1. A student, parent or agency may appeal a decision of a Principal to the Superintendent or designate.