Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 304: Student Information System (SIS)


The Student Information System (SIS) refers to electronic databases used by the Division, schools and teachers to maintain electronic student records.  These electronic record systems are directly integrated with the Alberta Provincial Approach to Student Information (PASI) system to securely share student information in accordance with the Education Act, the Student Record Regulation, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The goal of SIS/PASI is to provide educational policymakers and administrators – at all levels of schools, jurisdictions and government with accurate information on Alberta students. This information is crucial to the planning, decision-making, and evaluation of educational programs throughout the province.

SIS Software Connecting to PASI

The baseline standard for PASI integration security is derived from the Government of Alberta Information Security Management Directives.

  1. PowerSchool SIS to manage and store student data including student demographic information, enrollment, attendance, and assessment.  PowerSchool SIS is directly integrated with PASI and information and is synced in live time.
  2. clevrTM software supports the creation of specialized documentation for individual student instructions as well as storage for specialized testing and assessment results. The software imports student data from PowerSchool and provides support for direct upload to PASI through a third-party upload service.
  3. SchoolEngage allows for online student registration from parent accounts; uploading of student documentation, and updates to student demographic information. SchoolEngage reads from and writes to PowerSchool and information can be directly uploaded to PASI.
  4. CLASI supports the secure direct upload of paper documentation and Clevr documentation into PASI.


  1. The Alberta Funding Manual for Schools directs school divisions on data required to be transferred to PASI from SIS to secure funding and follows annual schedules.
  2. The school division is the primary contact between the schools and Alberta Education during the SIS data collection process. The roles and responsibilities of the division-level personnel are as follows:
    1. Director of Information Technology and Digital Communications: 
      1. Ensure data collection and software follows the Government of Alberta Information Security Management Directives and Fort McMurray Public School Division’s security procedures.
      2. Maintain software updates and licensing.
    2. Director of Teaching and Learning and Director of Inclusive Learning
      1. Ensure data collection and transfer is in line with the Education Act, the Student Record Regulation, and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
    3. Supervisor of Educational Technology and SIS Coordinators
      1. Manage school and division personnel SIS accounts.
      2. Train school personnel in the procedures for collecting and coding student data.
      3. Assist school personnel to establish and monitor the data collection and verification process required by Alberta Education.
      4. Gather and consolidate student data from schools.
      5. Ensure the accuracy and completeness of student data.
      6. Transmit the required student information to Alberta Education in a timely fashion to meet provincial processing schedules.
  3. It is the role and responsibility of school principals to ensure data is:
    1. Collected and recorded within the appropriate SIS database.
    2. Verified for completeness and accuracy.
    3. Submitted to the Division in a timely fashion to meet provincial processing schedules.