Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 312: Student Safety Patrols


The safety of school children traveling to and from school is a responsibility of all concerned – parents, citizens, school officials, law enforcement officials, and students themselves. The Principal’s greatest responsibility lies in those areas immediately adjacent to school property. In an effort to carry out his/her responsibility, the Principal may participate in a cooperative effort with the police department and parents in the formation and operation of a student safety patrol at identified school areas.

The school’s participation will not extend beyond those intersections adjoining school grounds. Further, this participation will be limited to those intersections through which vehicular traffic flows in such a manner as to provide gaps sufficient to allow student crossings. The details of the safety patrol will be worked out by the Principal working with the police department and parent volunteers.


Student Safety Patrols may be established in schools according to the following principles:

  1. A designated member of the staff directs and supervises the operation of school safety patrols which are organized to function:
    1. At hazardous school crossings;
    2. During loading, unloading, and traveling on school buses;
    3. During emergency drills; and
    4. In cooperating with police and other community agencies.
  2. The school has a safety patrol in which student members:
    1. Are selected according to criteria relation to leadership and responsibility but serve voluntarily with parental permission;
    2. Are provided with regularly scheduled instruction which includes uniform methods to be applied in carrying out clearly defined duties;
    3. Go through an “apprenticeship” period wherein a regular member trains a new member;
    4. Are provided with standard insignia, foul weather gear, and other essential equipment; and
    5. Receive special recognition for their service.