Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 360: Student Assessment Evaluation and Reporting


The Division will ensure inclusive learning opportunities are provided for all students to be engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit.

A comprehensive assessment program provides relevant data for all important educational decisions related to learning—instruction, program improvement and public accountability. It includes a variety of assessments for different purposes.

A basic education must provide students with a solid core program, including language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Students will be able to meet the provincial graduation requirements and be prepared for entry into the workplace or post-secondary studies. Students will understand personal and community values and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Students will develop the capacity to pursue learning throughout their lives. Students also are to have opportunities to learn languages other than English and to attain levels of proficiency and cultural awareness that will help to prepare them for participation in the global economy.

Student assessment and evaluation are fundamental to the learning process and it is essential in determining the degree to which students have met the provincially prescribed learner expectations; in identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses; in recommending appropriate grade, program or course placement and in improving performance.

Student assessment and evaluation information must be effectively reported and communicated to parents, students, and Alberta Education in a clear and timely manner.


Assessment: is the process of gathering information or observable evidence of what the learner can do relative to the learner outcomes as outlined by the Alberta Program of Studies.

Formative Assessment: Assessment experiences that result in an ongoing exchange of information between students and teachers about student progress toward learner outcomes. Formative assessment is also referred to as “assessment for learning” which refers to information not used in evaluation.

Summative Assessment: The process of collecting and interpreting evidence for the purpose of evaluation. This is also known as “assessment of learning” which refers to information used for evaluation.

Performanced-Based Assessment: A type of summative assessment that moves away from traditional paper-pencil. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate understanding in a variety of ways and/or in a collaborative environment.

Evaluation: is the process of making judgments based on interpreting assessment information.

Reporting: is the sharing and communication of assessment information and evaluative judgments.


  1. Student learning will be assessed and evaluated to:
    1. Accurately reflect the learner outcomes within the programs of study;
    2. Generate evidence of student learning to inform teaching practice through a balance of formative, summative and performance-based experiences;
    3. Provide a variety of methods through which students can demonstrate their achievement of the learning outcomes;
    4. Provide accurate, constructive and timely feedback on student learning;
    5. Support the use of reasoned judgement about the evidence used to determine and report the level of student learning.
  2. Student assessment procedures will be fair and just so that students across the Division can expect equitable treatment.
  3. To ensure that assessment purposes and strategies are clearly understood, on-going communication will take place. This communication will occur among administrative and instructional staff as well as with parents and students.
  4. Student assessment shall provide for review and appeal procedures.
  5. Confidentiality of student assessment information will be respected.
  6. The Principal shall:
    1. In consultation with staff, develop school procedures with respect to student assessment, evaluation, and reporting.
    2. Ensure that teachers clearly communicate student assessment information to parents on an ongoing basis.
    3. Effectively communicate to parents and students (where appropriate) by providing:
      1. Assessment practices and weighting of components for all subjects.
    4. Ensure formal communication of student assessment through reports a minimum of three times per year for elementary and two times per year for junior and senior high students. In addition, information on student progress will be available on the Parent Portal for parents to access at their discretion.
    5. Make provisions for teachers to conduct a minimum of two parent-teacher interviews per year.
    6. Ensure that, when a student is experiencing difficulties meeting curriculum learner expectations, teachers are communicating concerns to parents.
    7. Ensure that, when a teacher recommends that a student be retained, parents receive written notice of this recommendation no later than June 1.
  7. The teacher shall:
    1. Effectively communicate to parents and students (where appropriate) by providing:
      1. Assessment and evaluation information on an ongoing basis, including formal report cards and online through the Parent Portal. Regular updates to the Parent Portal occur monthly, or as deemed appropriate by the school Principal within the parameters of specialized programs.
      2. Assessment and evaluation practices and weighting of components for all subjects.
  8. Assessment Strategies
    1. Classroom assessment is to have the following characteristics:
      1. It is to be part of instruction and is to clearly reveal to students what is expected of them.
      2. It is to be an ongoing process rather than a set of isolated events, with the methods and instruments varied and used in a variety of contexts.
      3. It is to focus on a broad range of outcomes, reflecting multiple dimensions of skill development.
      4. The measures are to be appropriate to the student’s development and differentiated to equitably meet student needs.
      5. It is to be formative and summative. It is to focus on what a student can do, clearly identifying both strengths and areas of difficulty. It is to encourage improvement in areas of difficulty, linking new learning to what a student already knows and can do.
      6. It is to involve students in their own assessment. This gives them responsibility for their own learning and fosters lifelong learning.
    2. Assessment strategies will be developmentally appropriate.
      1. Learner expectations as outlined in the Alberta Program of Studies will be assessed on an ongoing basis.
    3. Teachers will employ a variety of broad based assessment strategies which may include: formative, performance-based and summative assessment tasks.
  9. Reporting
    1. Assessment and evaluation information will be communicated to parents and students by reports two (2) times a year at elementary level and two times per year for junior high and high school students. In addition, staff will provide regular (monthly) updates of student information of the Parent Portal
    2. Evaluation information will be provided for academic achievement as measured against the specific learner expectations of the Alberta Program of Studies.
    3. Teachers shall ensure that information is effectively communicated to parents about:
      1. What their child knows, understands and can demonstrate in the courses being studied
      2. Assessment information is to be shared, not only with parents, but also with students when it is in the students’ best interest to do so.
  10. Marking Scale
    1. The following marking scale will be used:
      Grade K-6 Achievement Scale Descriptors
      EXT Student is extending further than current grade level expectations.
      MEET Student is meeting current grade level expectations.
      APP Student is approaching current grade level expectations.
      BEG Student is beginning to demonstrate an understanding of current grade level expectations.
      U/A Unable to assess due to lack of evidence.
      7 - 12 Mark Scale Descriptors
      80 - 100% The student’s performance is clearly and consistently meeting the standard of excellence
      50 - 79% The student is meeting the acceptable standard
      49% and below The student’s performance is clearly below the minimum acceptable standard
    2. Application of Marking Scales
      1. For academic marks in K-6, the “EXT-MEET-APP-BEG- U/A” scale will be used.
      2. For academic marks in 7-12, percentages will be used.
      3. In 1-6, the “–C (Consistently) –G (Generally) -NI (Needs Improvement - R/A (Requires Attention)” scale will be used for reporting personal growth and development.
      4. In junior high options classes, the “E (Excellent)- W (Well Developed) M- (Meets Expectations) - NI (Needs Improvement) - INS (Insufficient Information)” scale will be used for reporting work habits.
    3. Final Marks:
      1. K-12 cumulative report cards will be placed in the student cumulative records file.
      2. In Division 3, a final cumulative class mark and final cumulative assessment/exam will be given and will be calculated. Final exam marks will be reported. The final mark will be a combination of the class mark and the final assessment.
      3. Student assessment in senior high schools will be done on an on-going basis. Final exams will be written at the end of the semester with a minimum value of 25% when Alberta Diploma Exams are worth 30%.
    4. Special Needs Students
      The IPP (Individualized Program Plan) is the programming guideline for most students with special needs and acts as the benchmark for determining progress. Reporting is best done in an anecdotal form. The Division report card may be used where appropriate. The final IPP meeting delineates recommendations for the next year. They, along with reports on the present year’s progress, are to form the final report. An indication is to be made regarding the student’s academic level of functioning (where appropriate) in the core subjects (L.A., Math, Science, Social Studies).
    5. . For the purpose of determining school honour rolls and scholarships in division 3 and 4, students must have full-time status. The following marks can be used for calculating averages:
      1. All Division school awarded final marks
  11. Record Keeping
    1. Teachers' records of student final marks shall be submitted to the Principal at year end.
    2. Principals shall keep student records/files for a period of at least 2 years after the student has ceased to attend the school or until the record has been requested by another school, after which, they are to be sent to the Division Office for storage.
    3. The Division will maintain a historical record of students’ final marks.
  12. Promotion
    It is the aim of schools and the Division to ensure that all students will meet with success.
    If a student is having difficulty meeting the learner expectations, the reasons why this might be occurring will be pursued. Student achievement over time will be reviewed, work habits will be assessed and individual testing may be recommended. Based on the above, a student may receive assistance through the school Learning Assistance Centre or placement in a Division Special Education Program may be recommended.
    1. In Grades 1 to 9 a student shall be promoted to the next grade at the end of the school year in which they have completed the minimum learner expectations for that grade. Students who are not meeting minimum standards in core subjects areas, may be considered for grade retention.
    2. For students in grades K – 6, MEETING indicates minimum standard. For students in grades 7-12, 50% is the minimum acceptable standard.
    3. Students in Grades 10 to 12 will be eligible to receive an Alberta High School Diploma, the High School Equivalency Diploma or the Certificate of Achievement upon completion of graduation requirements. Students will be awarded credits towards graduation requirements (100 credits) when they achieve acceptable standards (50%) in each course taken.
    4. Notwithstanding the above, a student may be promoted or retained under exceptional conditions if the Principal, in consultation with teaching staff, parents and the Head of the Education Department, determines that there are unusual or extenuating circumstances which would warrant promotion or retention.
    5. Promotion and retention recommendations are professional decisions made by the classroom teacher(s) and school administration.
    6. A student who demonstrates outstanding academic and personal maturity may be accelerated.
    7. Students who are classified as Special Needs according to Alberta Education criteria, will be placed in an age appropriate grade/program.
    8. Course Challenge is available to Division students in accordance with Administrative Procedure 365.
  13. Appeal Procedure
    1. As per Administrative Procedure 390 – Student Appeals, appeals shall be made in writing, within ten (10) school days of the decision. Appeals shall be made first to the classroom teacher.
      1. A second appeal shall be made in writing, within five (5) school days of receiving the results of the first appeal to the Principal of the school.
      2. If after the second appeal the decision remains unacceptable to the appellant, the appellant may appeal in writing, within five (5) school days of receiving the results of the last appeal, to the Head of the Education Department.
    2. Parents or students who proceed with the appeal process beyond the school level will be provided with a copy of Administrative Procedure 390 - Student Appeals, which details the appeal process. The Head of the Education Department will provide this document.