Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 362: Specialized Assessment


The District supports the use of specialized assessments.


Informed Consent means the parent/guardian/independent student has been provided with all information relevant to the activity, for which consent is sought, understands and agrees, in writing, to the carrying out of the activity and understands that the granting of consent is voluntary and may be withdrawn at any time.

Specialized Assessment means individualized measurement across a variety of domains for the purpose of developing and providing individualized programming for students. Specialized assessment includes assessment of intellectual abilities, academic performance, emotional and behavioural development and physical development relevant to students' educational performance.


  1. Written informed consent of the parent/guardian or independent student shall be obtained for a specialized assessment or referral.
  2. Qualified professionals shall conduct specialized assessments, interpret results and provide programming recommendations to parents/guardians, teachers, and other appropriate personnel.
  3. Specialized assessments shall be conducted in accordance with the expectations outlined in Alberta Education's Standards for Psycho-educational Assessment and by the standards and guidelines set by each professional organization for its members.
  4. A notation shall be made in the student record of any specialized assessment of a student provided by the District, which includes the name of the person who conducted the assessment and the date of the assessment.
  5. Specialized assessment results shall be stored in the student record.
  6. Release of information from a specialized assessment to a third party shall only be released with written informed consent of the parent/guardian or independent student, or in compliance with a court order.
  7. Parents/guardians or independent students are responsible for costs of specialized assessments obtained outside the school, unless the decision to obtain an outside specialized assessment is made by the Superintendent.