Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 370: Student Awards and Scholarships


The Board believes that excellent performance by students must be promoted and recognized because students who learn to excel will define the future of our community. In keeping with this belief the Board is prepared to support various student awards programs. The Board also encourages the community at large and the schools to sponsor awards and recognition programs that support excellence.

Board sponsored awards:

Robert W. Prather Award of Excellence (1995) -To recognize one current high school graduate in each Division high school who best exemplifies leadership skills and strives for personal excellence.

Visual Art Award - To recognize and reward one graduating student who best exemplifies the outcomes of the fine arts - art course of studies.


  1. Robert W. Prather Award of Excellence
    Name: Robert W. Prather Award of Excellence
    Sponsor: The Board of Trustees of Fort McMurray Public School Division
    Award: Ring
    Purpose: To recognize those students who demonstrate leadership skills and strive for personal excellence.
    1. Guidelines
      One award for each Division High School may be presented annually to a student who is completing their schooling and exhibits a willingness and desire to seek meaningful personal transformation towards adulthood by:
      1. Demonstrating characteristics that indicate potential for leadership throughout their lifetime.
      2. Demonstrating dedication, initiative, courage, confidence, and being committed to continuous improvement.
      3. Seeking opportunities to work in co-operation with other students, staff, and community leaders.
      4. Having the respect of others in personal, social, and academic endeavours.
      5. Displaying a strong desire for success, creativity, and lifelong learning.
      6. Having a strong sense of responsibility to their community.
    2. Nomination
      1. Students must be in grade 12 and graduating.
      2. Students can be nominated by staff members.
    3. Selection Process
      1. Each school may nominate no more than one candidate.
      2. The Principal and two nominators (one teacher and one other) will provide a written endorsement outlining the successful candidate's achievements in relation to established criteria.
      3. School transcript of courses and final marks to date of nomination will be provided.
      4. Advise the Head of the Education Department of the recommended winner.
    4. Presentation
      The award will be made each year at the high school graduation ceremony. The presentation will be made by the Board Chair or designate.
    5. Award
      The Board will purchase a ring and plaque that will be maintained annually. Names of winning students and their school shall be recorded each year. The plaque will be displayed at the Division Office.
      Information Sheet:
      Name of Candidate/Nominee:
      Home Telephone:
    6. The candidate and nominators are asked to complete or answer the following questions. Please provide on a typewritten page, double spaced. Limit responses to two pages 8¼ x 11
      1. Please provide specific examples that demonstrate potential leadership skills.
      2. What specific examples can be made to demonstrate the candidate's desire for continuous learning?
      3. What are some specific examples that demonstrate and reflect the candidate in school and in the community?
      4. Provide examples that would reflect the candidate has respect of peers and/or others.
      5. Please provide a list of school and social functions that the candidate has helped to organize. Be specific about the candidate's role.
  2. Visual Art Award
    1. Purpose of Award
      To recognize and reward a graduating student who exemplifies the outcomes of the fine arts-art course of study (Learning Outcomes see clause 2.8)
      1. Students express themselves through the arts
      2. Students participate in and appreciate the arts
      3. Students use sensory data to comprehend, shape and appreciate the environment
      4. Students know the tradition, content, structure, materials and skills of the arts
      5. Students are versatile in artistic expression
      6. Students make aesthetic judgments
      7. Students share their responses to clarify and extend their experiences
    2. Nature of the Award
      The winning student shall be presented with a certificate and cash award of $250.00 from the Board. Further, the Board will offer to purchase from the student the winning piece to be displayed in Division Office.
    3. Selection Process
      1. Each high school may nominate no more than six deserving students.
      2. A nominator from the staff of the student’s school will provide an endorsement outlining each nominee's achievements in relation to established criteria.
      3. The Principal shall verify each nominee’s eligibility to graduate and completion of or enrolment in Art 30.
      4. Division selection committee will be chaired by the head of the Education Department or designate. The committee will include two trustees and one student from each high school. No more than one recipient from each high school will be selected.
      5. A selection committee will recommend the successful applicant to the head of the Education Department. The selection must be accepted as final.
        Please forward, by May 15, up to six works of your art (with an explanation of each piece) to:
        The Head of the Education Department
        Fort McMurray Public School Division 
        231 Hardin Street 
        Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 2G2
    4. Eligibility Criteria
      1. Must be completing their schooling and have been enrolled in Art 30.
      2. Must submit up to six works of art (varied media) that have been completed during high school courses and are entirely original in concept and execution. Students will clearly indicate which pieces are not for sale. Works in the collection may deal with any topic. Any media may be used including, but not limited to:
        1. Unframed drawings, paintings, and prints
        2. Three-dimensional work
        3. Work incorporating contemporary technology
      3. Student artists are not obligated to sell their work if they do not wish to do so. If a submitted piece is chosen as the winning piece, the student artist will have the option to sell the piece to the Division or to allow the piece to be prepared for display and loaned to the Division for one year or, if this is not an option for the artist, then the Board may commission the artist to create another piece for sale. The price of the purchase is to be negotiated but will not exceed $300.00. Agree to not, in any manner, hold the committee responsible for loss of or damage to, the submitted work.

        The Board will have the right to display all work submitted for consideration. Those items not selected shall be returned to the artist.

      4. Work is to be submitted in a sturdy, re-usable folder, envelope or carton/crate. On the reverse side of each piece of work securely attach the artist's name and school and the artist's description of the piece and what motivated its creation. Three dimensional work can also be submitted via electronic CD with a minimum of three photo angles to show variation, i.e. sculpture.
    5. Letter Of Support
      The Art Teacher will provide a Letter of Support indicating that the student's work is authentic and complies with the eligibility criteria.
    6. Purchase
      1. The Division will offer to purchase the winning art piece. If the winning piece is not available the Division may commission another piece.
      2. The purchase price is to be negotiated with, and paid to, the student artist.
      3. The student will sign a legal bill of sale with the Division which will be retained by the Director of Business Services.
      4. The costs of framing the piece or mounting the sculpture and engraving a brass plate with the student's name, school and year will be in the budget of the Board.
      5. The purchased artwork will be placed in a visible location at the Division Office.
      6. The head of the Education Department will make arrangements for the student to be recognized at a Board meeting.
      7. A photograph of the student with the Board Chair, and any accompanying media reports will be submitted to the Division archives collection.
      8. The Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance will be responsible for maintaining a record of the art selections and their locations and for checking the collection on an annual basis.
      9. Any request to move an art selection to a different location must be sent in writing to the Superintendent or designate.
    7. Presentation
      1. Presentation to the award winner will be made each year at the June Board Meeting. Presentation will be made by the Board Chair or designate.
    8. Learning Outcomes and Expectations - Art 30
      1. Art Outcome 1: Students express themselves through the arts
        1. Think and behave as artists
        2. Demonstrate an awareness of their growing individual style or personality in solving visual problems
      2. Art Outcome 2: Students participate in and appreciate the arts
        1. Recognize the place of art in society
        2. Demonstrate a growing awareness of the value of art in their own lives
        3. Be aware of their role as an artist
      3. Art Outcome 3: Students use sensory data to comprehend, shape and appreciate the environment
        1. Use strategies to develop (comprehend, shape and (appreciate) visual discrimination
        2. Recognize various aspects of the environment as sources of art
      4. Art Outcome 4: Students know the tradition, content, structure, materials and skills of the arts
        1. Understand why art is created
        2. Understand how the art of different times, places and people relates to their own art
        3. Understand the elements and principles of design and have the confidence to use them when making art
      5. Art Outcome 5: Students are versatile in artistic expression
        1. Explore a variety of media and techniques
        2. Develop a portfolio of works which represent a variety of artistic expressions
      6. Art Outcome 6: Students make aesthetic judgments
        1. Use the vocabulary and techniques of art criticism to analyze and evaluate their own works and the works of others in relation to the works of professional artists
        2. Demonstrate ongoing aesthetic judgment during the process of working on studio projects
      7. Art Outcome 7: Students will share their responses to clarify and extend their experiences with the arts
        1. Participate in art shows and exhibitions
        2. Show a willingness to discuss their work and the work of others during the process of creating art