Doing What’s Best for Kids

Students AP 385: Students Assisting Students Program


The District supports the promotion and provision of services by the Fort McMurray Students Assisting Students Program (SASP).


  1. The Fort McMurray Students Assisting Students Program (SASP) provides a confidential assessment and referral service for young people who are dealing with pressing personal issues. The Students Assisting Students Program (SASP) student representatives receive the necessary training to help students deal with pressing personal issues by referring them to the appropriate local resource and/or professional.
    1. The Some Other Solution’s SASP Coordinator is to obtain permission and approval from the Superintendent or designate, for all posters, brochures, and other informational materials distributed in the schools.
    2. The Some Other Solution’s SASP Coordinator is to inform the Principal and/or school counsellor/confidante whenever he or she enters the school to speak to students.
    3. Students who volunteer to be Students Representatives for SASP are to receive sufficient and ongoing training of a quality that allows them to function successfully in their role and ensure the confidentiality requirements of their role. Parental permission to serve as a SASP representative is mandatory for all but those designated “Independent Students” (Reference the School Act Sec. 1(1)(m)
    4. A student requiring crisis intervention counselling of a serious and pressing nature that has been referred by a SASP representative or Some Other Solution’s SASP Coordinator, may be allowed to leave the school grounds with a designated adult to obtain the services of a professional. Parental consent must be received for any student who is 15 years of age or younger.  SASP responsibility and information at this point will be released to the Principal or designate.
    5. A designated District staff member or alternate will keep the Superintendent and Some Other Solutions informed on an annual basis as to the operation and functioning of the SASP.
    6. An annual report regarding the Students Assisting Students Program (SASP) will be made to the Board by the Superintendent.
  2. The District reserves the right to cancel its participation in the Students Assisting Students Program (SASP) if continued involvement is not judged to be in the best interests of the students.