Doing What’s Best for Kids

Personnel and Employee Relations AP 400 - Appendix A: Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Record Checks


It is important to provide a safe and secure environment for students and staff.


  1. The screening process for new employees will include a current (within three (3) months) Criminal Record Check and a Vulnerable Sector Record Check. These record checks will be at the expense of the prospective employee.
  2. When an employee is charged with or convicted of an offence, under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Child Youth and Family Enhancement Act or similar legislation, the employee is required to immediately inform the Head of the Human Resources Department. A written explanation may accompany the notification.
  3. An employee who is subject to any prohibitions, restrictions or orders; including but not limited to probation, recognizance or similar orders; issued or imposed by the court, a law enforcement agency or other government agency, that restrict or forbid the employee from having contact with minor children or that are otherwise relevant to the position held by the employee, shall immediately inform the Head of the Human Resources Department of such limitations.
  4. Failure by an employee to notify the Head of the Human Resources Department as required under this Administrative Procedure may justify termination of the employee’s employment with the Division.
  5. The Head of the Human Resources Department may require an employee to provide a current (within three (3) months) Criminal Record Check and/or Vulnerable Sector Record Check at any time during the employment period.