Doing What’s Best for Kids

Personnel and Employee Relations AP 407: Employee and Family Assistance Program


The Division shall provide access to an Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) in cooperation with CUPE and ATA to assist Division staff, and their families to address various challenges that may affect their personal, family or work lives.  The Employee and Family Assistance Program shall be provided by Inkblot.


  1. All services are confidential.
  2. Types of employee problems which may be addressed include but are not restricted to marital, parenting, financial, job stress, legal, addictions, bereavement and retirement difficulties.
  3. Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) services accessed by individuals (Division staff, and their family members) will be provided by Inkblot via online conferences.
  4. Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) services such as education/training, critical incident stress intervention and/or promotional events will be provided by PSN personnel at applicable Division facilities.
  5. Annual statistical reports will be provided by Inkblot to the Superintendent or designate for the purpose of monitoring all aspects of the programs.
  6. Referral Procedures:
    1. Self-Referral – The employee is aware that a personal or work related problem is causing them concern and that the EFAP would help. The employee would call or email (from personal email) to request an appointment, with one of the counselors. This type of referral is completely confidential and the company would not know who is accessing the service.
    2. Suggested Referral – This occurs typically when someone (i.e. spouse, another family member, friend, co-worker or supervisor) is concerned about the employee or family members' well-being and they suggest accessing the EFAP for assistance. This type of referral is also completely confidential. The individual in question would have to phone and make the appointment on their own; a third party cannot make a referral for someone else.
    3. Mandated Referral via a Supervisor to the Head of the Human Resources Department – This is a formal referral whereby concerns arise regarding the employee's work performance and the employer directs the employee to attend the EFAP to resolve the issues of concern. Examples of when this type of referral occurs include: personal issues impacting work performance, not meeting established work standards, working in an unsafe manner (i.e. being under the influence of a substance, reacting with anger/violence to situations in the workplace), and having a positive drug result. When this type of referral occurs, a consent for release of information is often asked of the employee to sign so that necessary information can be shared with all parties. The employee has a right to refuse such a referral however the hope is that they will be open to receiving help so that they can resume functioning in the workplace at their full potential.
    4. Union Suggested Referral – This is a formal referral initiated by a union representative. The process that is followed is similar to that described above regarding mandated referrals.
  7. Roles:
    1. Principals/Administrators/Supervisors:
      1. Initiate suggested and/or mandated referrals;
      2. Supervisors are not to be involved in the diagnosis of personal problems;
      3. Promotion of EFAP to staff.
    2. Assessment and Referral Centre;
      1. To assess the problems of concerns of service users or referred individuals.
      2. To identify rehabilitative actions as appropriate and recommend and facilitate a plan to address problems or concerns.
      3. To refer individuals to the appropriate service and/or programs where applicable.
      4. To provide statistical reports to Superintendent or designate.
      5. To provide short-term (6 to 8 sessions) intervention and counseling services.
    3. Division:
      1. Administrative Procedure support.
    4. ATA/CUPE:
      1. Policy support.
  8. Education, Promotion and Training:
    1. Promotion will occur through:
      1. General orientation to all employees on staff meeting days:
      2. An information brochure and website will be made available to staff.
    2. Advertising:
      1. Brochure - to all employees
      2. Posters - in staff rooms
      3. Fall staff meetings/Assembly.
    3. Training:
      1. Management - will require a minimum of one-half day of EFAP training at least on a bi-annual basis for Supervisors.