Doing What’s Best for Kids

Personnel and Employee Relations AP 419: Employee Resignations, Retirement or Other Cessation of Employment


The Division requires that employees wishing to resign from the employ, retire or employment ceases, from the Division do so in accordance with the provisions of provincial statutes, collective agreements or person of service contracts and Division administrative procedures.


  1. The employee wishing to resign from employment with the Division shall submit a letter of resignation/retirement to the Head of the Human Resources Department, specifying the last day of performance of assigned duties.
  2. Upon receiving a letter of resignation/retirement, the Head of the Human Resources Department shall:
    1. Ensure that the period of notice given by the employee is in accord with the conditions of employment;
    2. If in accord, accept, in writing, the resignation/retirement; and
    3. Send an employment status update to the payroll department notifying them of the resignation/retirement.
  3. If, upon receiving a letter of resignation/retirement, the Head of the Human Resources Department believes that the period of notice does not comply with the conditions of employment, the Head of the Human Resources Department may:
    1. Require of the employee the appropriate period of notice; or
    2. Accept the resignation/retirement as offered; and
    3. Send an employment status update to the payroll department notifying them of the resignation/retirement.
  4. For employees whose employment ceases for reasons other than resignation/retirement, the Head of the Human Resources Department shall:
    1. Document the cessation of employment;
    2. Send an employment status update to the payroll department, notifying them of the cessation of employment.
  5. On their last day of active duty, employees must return to their immediate supervisor the following items which may have been issued and any other similar such items:
    1. Keys;
    2. Fob;
    3. ID card; and
    4. Division-owned electronic devices
    5. Access to all Division Information and Records under their control and any records or information in their possession.