Doing What’s Best for Kids

Personnel and Employee Relations AP 441: Quality Practice Standard for Support Staff


This document sets out four Quality Practice Standards for the evaluation of all support staff. The standards are: Job Knowledge, Organization and Personal Management, Teamwork and Professional Attributes.

It is acknowledged that the duties and responsibilities for support staff will vary depending upon the position, school and/or department. Specific responsibilities are to be embodied in a job description and incorporated with the evaluation process.


  1. Quality Practice Standard: Job Knowledge
    A support staff employee demonstrates highly relevant job knowledge and experience in their area of responsibility and displays the desire to master their job.
    1. The employee demonstrates knowledge in his or her area of responsibility. The employee:
      • Thinks critically and acts logically to evaluate work situations, solve problems and make decisions
      • Uses technology, instruments, tools and information systems effectively
      • Accesses and applies specialized knowledge from various relevant sources
      • Contributes to the decision making process
    2. The employee displays the desire to master his or her job. The employee:
      • Participates in professional development activities
      • Develops, implements and completes an annual Professional Growth Plan
      • Learns new skills and applies them effectively
      • Is involved in Professional Development and has a commitment to career-long learning.
  2. Quality Practice Standard: Organization and Personal Management
    A support staff employee demonstrates a combination of skills, attitudes and behaviours in providing effective and efficient service to clients in a safe environment.
    1. The employee demonstrates organizational and planning skills. The employee:
      • Plans and manages time, money and other resources to maximize the quality of completed projects/jobs
      • Demonstrates initiative and persistence toward the accomplishment of projects/tasks
      • Fulfils duties and responsibilities in an manner that is precise, accurate, and of excellent quality
      • Meets deadlines
      • Demonstrates flexibility within a changing work environment
      • Is punctual
      • Is accountable to all schools and community members for actions taken.
    2. The employee demonstrates commitment to client service. The employee:
      • Demonstrates a client service orientation
      • Deals with clients in a professional manner
      • Identifies and suggests ways to improve service.
    3. The employee demonstrates commitment to creating a safe work place. The employee:
      • Maintains required standards of safety
      • Knows and follows safety rules and procedures
      • Takes safety into consideration when making decisions
      • Regularly audits work procedures and habits
      • Knows the correct operation procedures of safety equipment
      • Keeps work areas clean and orderly
      • Reports unsafe acts or conditions.
  3. Quality Practice Standard: Teamwork
    A support staff employee works collaboratively to achieve the best results for the organization.
    1. The employee facilitates effective communication and team skills. The employee:
      • Understands and contributes to the organizational goals
      • Plans and makes decisions with others and supports the outcomes
      • Shares relevant information to contribute to the smooth operation of the organization
      • Respects the thoughts and opinions of other team members
      • Responds positively to supervisor’s directions
      • Reports to the Supervisor on the progress of projects.
    2. The employee demonstrates the ability to build mutually supportive relationships with co-workers. The employee:
      • Listens to others
      • Shows concern for others
      • Cooperates and responds to team needs
      • Recognizes and respects other people’s diversity and individual differences and does not allow these differences to interfere with the team environment.
  4. Quality Practice Standard: Professional Attributes
    A support staff employee demonstrates professionalism by representing the District in a supportive and positive manner.
    1. The employee promotes success of all students and staff:
      • Acts in an ethical manner with integrity and fairness
      • Is flexible and adaptable
      • Has a positive attitude
      • Respects confidentiality.
    2. The employee shows commitment and loyalty to the District:
      • Abides by the policies of the Board
      • Follows District administrative procedures
      • Adheres to the Board’s Mission Statement
      • Values and respects each member of the education community
      • Promotes and maintains positive community relations
      • Is an advocate of the District
      • Is an active participant in the development, implementation and evaluation of the District’s three year education plan