All support staff shall participate in an annual performance appraisal conducted by their immediate Supervisor and/or Principal.
- Each support staff member will be provided with a role description developed by their immediate Supervisor and/or Principal. This will include any procedures developed by the Human Resources Coordinator.
- It is essential to maintain ongoing communication between support staff and their immediate supervisors.
- Support staff are expected to avail themselves of professional development opportunities in order to remain current with their assignments.
- An annual written performance appraisal will be completed by the immediate Supervisor and/or Principal.
- The support staff member will be provided with the original appraisal. Copies will be forwarded to the Human Resources Coordinator and to the immediate supervisor.
- Additional performance appraisals may be conducted when requested by the support staff member or the immediate Supervisor.
- At any time, a performance appraisal may also be requested by the Human Resources Coordinator, and may be completed by someone other than the immediate Supervisor.