Doing What’s Best for Kids

Business Administration AP 517: Materials Resource Management


Management of furniture, equipment and other assets for the benefit of students and the Division is the responsibility of all supervisors. A current inventory of Division equipment and furniture is to be maintained.


  1. Inventory
    Yearly inventories are required in all facilities. Discrepancies in inventory will be reported to the Director of Operations and Maintenance in spring of each year.
  2. Loaning of School Equipment to Parties External to the Division
    1. It is not the Division's practice to lend equipment to parties external to the Division. Circumstances may arise which would justify community use of specialized equipment.
    2. Subject to approval from the Principal and or Department Supervisor, equipment may be loaned if used or operated by a competent worker as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Code (which requires suitable training, sufficient experience to safely operate, demonstrated competency to a competent worker, familiarity with equipment and operating instructions and is authorized) 
    3. In this case the equipment must be inspected before being loaned and after return to assure the equipment is safe and in good repair. Equipment that is not complete and in a safe and good state of repair shall not be loaned out and shall be decommissioned until repaired or disposed of.
  3. Loaning or Transferring Equipment from Facility to Facility
    1. When Furniture, Equipment and other Assets are no longer needed at a site it may be transferred permanently from one facility to another.  Notification of the move must be filed with the Director of Operations and Maintenance and inventories in each site to be changed accordingly. The transferred assets must be inspected by both sites to assure the asset is safe and in good repair.
    2. Equipment must be complete and in a safe and good state of repair before transferred to another facility or shall be decommissioned until repaired or disposed of.
  4. Moving Equipment from School to School
    1. Any new piece of equipment shall be inspected immediately by a person who is qualified to ascertain the completeness and safe working condition of the equipment. 
    2. If there are deficiencies or defects the receiver is to attempt to remedy the issues by working with the supplier and Division purchaser.