Doing What’s Best for Kids

Business Administration AP 520: Fundraising


While the Division recognizes its obligation to provide funds to meet the basic costs of the educational needs of students, it also recognizes that some schools and support groups may wish to enhance these educational offerings and engage in fundraising for this purpose.  It is the intent of the Division that funds shall be applied in the school for which they were raised.  The Division has a legal requirement to account for these funds and it is to meet the requirements that financial reporting of any fundraising must be made available to the Superintendent for each fundraising event, by the first week of June

Fundraising activities must be compatible with Division goals, Annual Education Results Report (AERR), School Growth Plans, and the best interests of the students, school staff and community and not detract from curricular activities.

Fundraising activities occur throughout the Division. In order to ensure that the fundraising activities are appropriate and properly accounted for, the Principal or Department Supervisor is held accountable for approving all fundraising activities associated with the school, and ensuring implementation of generally accepted accounting procedures for all funds raised.


The following procedures establish the parameters for decision making:

  1. The fundraising activity shall be consistent with the Division’s Three-Year Education Plan/Annual Education Results Report and School Growth Plans.
  2. The Principal and the School Council or Department Supervisor will confer in regards to fundraising activities and expenditures and, if necessary, obtain resolution from the Superintendent regarding the appropriateness of fundraising activities, or expenditures.
  3. Fundraising that is subject to Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC) must comply with AGLC Charitable Gaming Policies Handbook.
  4. The Principal or Department Supervisor will seek guidance from the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance regarding the Division’s accepted accounting and purchasing policies and procedures.
  5. The Principal will prepare a report for the Superintendent and the school community, listing each approved fundraising activity along with an accounting of the associated revenues and expenditures to be received the first week of June.
  6. All funds raised shall be used for educational purposes which are supplemental to the basic instructional supports provided through government grants or as a component of service learning.
  7. The Principal or Department Supervisor will have inquired into the reputability of the organization before entering into any fundraising activity with the organization.
  8. The fundraising activity must not:
    1. Pressure students to be involuntary consumers of a product/service
    2. Require students to participate
    3. Require students to participate in door to door campaigns
    4. Usurp instructional time unless the activity is directly related to curriculum goals
    5. Require direct endorsement of products or services
    6. Result in any employee to be in position to benefit financially (conflict of interest).
  9. The Division believes fundraising activities are to:
    1. Reflect a philosophy of support and assistance to schools and students
    2. Be consistent with Division values
    3. Include consultation with the local school community
    4. Take into account the fundraising activities in the community at large
    5. Be subject to the discretion of Principal and staff in the use of donated resources and materials to support students and student activities.
    6. Involve specified time frames and include a regular review of arrangements
    7. Involve cooperative (consortium) efforts to achieve maximum economic advantage (e.g., multi-school and multi-Division) wherever possible
    8. Allow for recognition by Division and school, including display of corporate symbols where acceptable and appropriate
    9. Involve widespread sharing of best practice, expertise and creative ideas to achieve maximum benefits to the system
  10. Fundraising activities shall:
    1. Be legal, ethical, and benefit students (example: no tobacco, cannabis, or alcohol products)
    2. Be subject to normal audit process and system accountability
    3. Have approval of the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance for any contracts above $5,000 annually
    4. Have approval of the Superintendent for any Division-wide agreements or campaigns for funds by outside organizations.
  11. Recognition
    1. Category A:
      1. Funding will be acquired from industry/business and individual partners on an annual, bi-annual or 3 year term basis with an annual report being provided for how money is being spent and the results achieved.
      2. Contributions:
        Platinum – will be for donations of $100,000.00 or more.
    2. Category B:
      1. Funding will be acquired from industry, business, individual partners on an annual, bi-annual, or 3 year term basis and with an annual report being provided on how money is spent and the results achieved.
      2. Contributions:
        Platinum Donor - donations of $50,000 or more
        Gold Donor – donations from $25,000 to $49,999
        Silver Donor – donations from $10,000 to $24,999
        Bronze Donor – donations from $1,000 to $9,999
        Sponsor – donations from $250 to $999 per year
    3. Category C:
      1. Endowment Fund – Future idea for the Division, e.g. “Friends of Fort McMurray Public School Division”.
    4. Recognition for Contributions:
      1. Each year donors from Category A and B (and may include C) will be invited to a recognition event, in their honor, to recognize their donations and support for the Division.  Representatives from Executive, Board of Trustees, Schools and Community Members will be in attendance and will also plan the event in collaboration with the Partnership Facilitator and the Communications Coordinator of the Division.
      2. Categories A and B:
        All donors in both categories A and B will have the choice of a tax receipt and/or their log being showcased in a desired location of the Division and/or School.  (See Administrative Procedure 541 - Naming Opportunities).
      3. Category C will follow guidelines for charitable receipt status.