Doing What’s Best for Kids

Business Administration AP 543: Access to Buildings


The Principal is delegated the authority to issue school keys and codes to staff members. He/she, in turn, accepts responsibility for the security of the school and for ensuring that it is used only for activities and purposes approved by the District.

The Director of Operations and Maintenance is delegated the authority to issue keys and codes to all non-school buildings. He/She, in turn, accepts responsibility for the security of non-school buildings.


  1. The Principal shall maintain a key and code inventory.
  2. For purposes of security and maintenance, the Director of Operations and Maintenance has the sole responsibility for having keys cut. The supply of master keys is to be kept to a minimum.
  3. Locks may be changed only by the Director of Operations and Maintenance and only after having received the concurrence of the Principal, the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designate.
  4. The Director of Operations and Maintenance shall maintain a key and code inventory for non-school buildings.