Doing What’s Best for Kids

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Strategic Plan

In response to a 2022 Board of Trustees request to investigate equity, diversity, and inclusion in FMPSD, a committee was formed to outline current practices and to identify gaps that require attention. The following report outlines work completed by the 2022-2023 "We Belong" Advisory Committee as well as recommendations to advance equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigenization, anti-racism, and access in FMPSD.

*As the committee continues their work and continues to grow, this web page will continue to progress.

Click here for our Strategic Plan

Priority 1: A Safe and Caring Learning Environment for All

FMPSD is committed to supporting students and staff by promoting mental health, embracing diversity, and ensuring everyone feels respected and included.  This page includes resources for our community. 


Parent Resources

Our commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for our students and their families remains unwavering, and we understand the significance of providing access to a comprehensive repository of information and tools.

We are working diligently to scour the web for the best available resources, ensuring that they are up-to-date, culturally sensitive, and relevant to the needs and concerns of our diverse community. We recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and that's why we are focused on providing a wide range of materials that touch on various dimensions of diversity, from race and ethnicity to gender identity and sexual orientation, among others.

More resources will be added.

FMPSD Newcomer Resource: We offer all FMPSD information natively translated into over 40 languages; parents can register, confirm demographics, or learn more about FMPSD and our schools in their language.

Parent's Guide to SOGI in Schools: SOGI-Inclusive education is about making sure that schools have inclusive policies, welcoming learning environments, and teaching resources that showcase the diversity of our world.

Action Guides: 
This resource covers a range of important and timely topics related to race, aimed at providing caregivers and educators with practical tips and guidance. 

Topics include:

Parenting Guide for Parents of LGBQ Children

Parenting Guide for Parents of Trans Children

Fact vs Myth: 2SLGBTQIA+

Wood Buffalo Workplace Inclusion Charter

We have committed to the Wood Buffalo Workplace Inclusion Charter.  This means that we will carry out a minimum of six commitments as per the Workplane Signatory Champion Guidelines.

Link to WB Workplace Inclusion Charter


Wood Buffalo employers are leaders in creating a welcoming and inclusive community. Wood Buffalo residents feel respected, valued, and supported to participate, succeed, and stay in the workplace and the community. Employers recognize and value diversity, encourage mutual respect and understanding, uphold human rights, and support inclusive and equitable workplace practices.


Diversity (including but not limited to race, religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, and sexual orientation) contributes to the strength and prosperity of our business and our community. • Everybody has the right to a safe and respectful work environment. • Everybody deserves to access goods, services, accommodation, and facilities without discrimination, harassment, or fear. • Employers play a key role in reducing inequality in our community and integration barriers for residents.



