Doing What’s Best for Kids

Administrative Procedures

These Administrative Procedures are designed to be the primary written source of administrative direction for the Division. It is designed to be entirely consistent with the Board Policies and is an extension of the policies. These procedures may make further reference to other detailed administrative documents that have been developed to provide specific guidelines on selected matters.

AP 100: Three-Year Education Plan

AP 101: Annual Education Results Report

AP 102: School Education Plans and Annual Reports

AP 103: School Reviews

AP 105: School Based Decision Making

AP 106: School Based Management

AP 107: Accountability Reporting

AP 110: School Councils

AP 120: Policy and Procedures Communication

AP 121: Development and Review of Administrative Procedures

AP 130: School Year

AP 130 - Appendix A: Staff Training and Development Opportunities

AP 131: School Day - Inclement Weather and Outdoor Environmental Conditions

AP 132: Emergency Closings

AP 140: Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technology

AP 140 - Appendix A: Acceptable Use of Technology Procedures

AP 140 - Appendix B: Failure to Comply

AP 140 - Appendix C: ICT Use Rules and Etiquette

AP 140 - Form 140-1: Student Agreement To Comply

AP 140 - Form 140-2: Staff Agreement To Comply

AP 141: Portable Technology Security

AP 145: Use of Personal Mobile Devices (Cell Phone, Smart Watches, Wearable devices, etc)

AP 146: Electronic Social Media

AP 147: Commercial Electronic Messages (Anti-Spam)

AP 150: Communications

AP 151: Media Relations

AP 152: Dispute Resolution

AP 153: Advertising and Distribution of Materials

AP 154: Political Electioneering

AP 155: Event Protocol

AP 156: Visit Protocol

AP 157: Flag Protocol

AP 158: Corporate Identity

AP 159: Spectator Code of Conduct

AP 160: Health and Safety of Students and Staff

AP 160 - Appendix A: Occupational Health and Safety Compliance

AP 160 - Appendix B: Fire Safety Precautions

AP 160 - From 160-1: Incident Report

AP 161: Communicable Diseases

AP 161 - Appendix A: Prevention of Blood Borne Diseases

AP 161 - Appendix B: Blood and Body Fluid Clean Up Protocol

AP 161 - Appendix C: List of Communicable Diseases

AP 162: Smoke-Free Facilities

AP 162 - Appendix A: Smudging / Pipe Ceremonies

AP 163: Alcohol on Division Premises

AP 164: Health Promoting School Environment

AP 164 - Appendix A: Healthy Eating Food Guide

AP 165: Emergency Plans

AP 166: Pandemic Response

AP 167: Defibrillators

AP 170: Harassment in the Workplace

AP 175: Protection of Staff

AP 180: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

AP 180 - Appendix A: Collection of Personal Information Notice

AP 181: Electronic Surveillance (Video Camera)

AP 181 - Form 181-1: Surveillance Video Release Form

AP 181 - Form 181-2: Surveillance System Log

AP 182: Recording of Conversations

AP 183: GPS (Global Positioning Software) on School Buses

AP 185: Records Management

AP 185 - Appendix A: Workspace Security and Organization

AP 185 - Appendix B: Records Retention Schedule

AP 185 - Form 185-1: Certificate of Destruction for Schools and Departments

AP 190: Copyright

AP 190 - Appendix A: Fair Dealing Guidelines

AP 190 - Form 190-1: Sample “General” Copyright Release Permission Form

AP 190 - Form 190-2: Sample “Specific” Copyright Release Permission Form

AP 190 - Form 190-3: Copyright Permission Form

AP 190 - Form 190-4: Parental Permission Form

AP 190 - Form 190-5: Sample Copyright Information Labels

AP 191: Computer Software

AP 192: Patents, Copyrights and Royalties

AP 148: Division Assets or Records During a Leave of Absence

AP 200: Organization for Instruction

AP 200 - Appendix A: Class Size Monitoring

AP 203: Multiculturalism

AP 205: Controversial Issues and Resources

AP 206: Human Sexuality Program

AP 207: Patriotic Exercises

AP 209: First Nation, Métis, Inuit Education Programs

AP 210: Early Childhood Services

AP 210 - Appendix A: Ages Funding Eligibility in ECS Programs

AP 211: English as an Additional Language

AP 212: Programs in Languages other than English

AP 213: Inclusive Education

AP 214: Knowledge and Employability Courses

AP 215: Career and Technology Foundation/Studies

AP 216: Off-Campus Education Programs

AP 216 - Appendix A: Registered Apprenticeship Program

AP 218: Special Projects

AP 219: Locally Developed Acquired and Authorized Courses

AP 221: Outreach Program

AP 222: Administrative Guidelines for Retention of Students

AP 223: Seclusion and Physical Restraints

AP 223 - Form 223-1: Incident Report on the Use of Restraint/Seclusion

AP 230: Online Education

AP 235: Adult Education

AP 240: Guidance and Counselling

AP 250: Learning Commons

AP 255: Animals in Schools

AP 256: Service Dogs

AP 260: Field Trips and Excursions

AP 260 - Appendix A: Field Trip Risk Assessment

AP 260 - Appendix B: Disclosure Letters

AP 260 - Appendix C: Field Trip / Excursion, Waiver Forms Information

AP 260 - Form 260-1: Field Trip Application Form

AP 260 - Form 260-2: Educational Summary

AP 260 - Form 260-3: Health Certification And Parents’/Guardians’ Waiver

AP 260 - Form 260-4: Planning For A Field Trip – Checklist A

AP 260 - Form 260-5: Principal’s Final Checklist For Out-Of-Town Travel

AP 260 - Form 260-6: Sample Consent Form For Field Trips/Excursions (In & Out Of Province)

AP 260 - Form 260-7: Sample Field Trip Letter To Parents/Guardians

AP 260 - Form 260-8: Student Travel Waiver

AP 260 - Form 260-9: Field Trip Vehicle Log and Inspection

AP 270: Home Education

AP 270 - Form 270-1: Home Education Notification Form

AP 270 - Form 270-2: Home Education Program Plan Form

AP 270 - Form 270-3: Home Education Program Plan: Review Criteria

AP 280: Evaluation of Instructional Programs

AP 290: Research Studies

AP 300: School Entrance Age

AP 301: Admission of Foreign Students

AP 302: International Student / Student Exchange Program

AP 303: Independent Students

AP 304: Student Information System (SIS)

AP 305: School Attendance Areas

AP 306: External Placements

AP 310: Student Supervision

AP 312: Student Safety Patrols

AP 315: Illness/Injury at School

AP 316: Administering Medication or Medical Treatment

AP 316 - Form 316-1: Request For The Administration Of Medication Or Medical Treatment

AP 316 - Form 316-2: Medical Treatment Of Students At School Release Form

AP 316 - Form 316-3: School Medical Response Plan Template

AP 316-Form 316-4: Medication Administration Log

AP 317: Life Threatening Medical Conditions

AP 317 - Appendix A: Action Steps for Anaphylaxis Management

AP 317 - Appendix B: How to Use the Epi Pen Auto-Injector

AP 317 - Appendix D: The Basics of Asthma Allergies and Anaphylaxis

AP Form 317-1: Designation of Authorized School-School Authority Epinephrine Auto-Injector Purchaser Form

AP 317 - Appendix C: The Basics of Asthma Allergies and Anaphylaxis

AP 318: Pediculosis (Lice)

AP 318 - Appendix A: FAQ asked Questions about Head Lice

AP 318 - Appendix B: Head Lice Steps for Effective Treatment

AP 320: Student Records

AP 321: Sharing Information on Students with Status Under Youth Criminal Justice Act

AP 322: Legal Custody of Children

AP 325: Reporting Child Abuse

AP 325 - Form 325-1: Report Regarding Suspected Abuse/Neglect

AP 330: Student Attendance

AP 340: Specialized Supports and Services for Students

AP 350: Student Rights and Responsibilities

AP 350 - Appendix A: Student Code of Conduct

AP 351: Student Conduct on School Buses

AP 352: Interrogation and Searches

AP 353: Alcohol, Restricted and Illicit Drugs Use

AP 354: Possession of Weapons or Potentially Dangerous Items in School

AP 355: Student Discipline

AP 357: Vandalism

AP 357 - Form 357-1: Property Damage Report

AP 360: Student Assessment Evaluation and Reporting

AP 360 - Appendix A: Standardized Tests

AP 362: Specialized Assessment

AP 365: Course Challenge

AP 365 - Form 365-1: Student-Initiated Course Challenge Assessment

AP 370: Student Awards and Scholarships

AP 371: School Student Achievement Awards

AP 375: Graduation Exercises

AP 380: Students’ Council

AP 385: Students Assisting Students Program

AP 390: Student Appeals

AP 391: Student Appeals of School Awarded Marks

AP 400: Staff Employment

AP 400 - Appendix A: Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Record Checks

AP 401: Staff Supervisory Relationships

AP 402: Personnel Records

AP 403: Duty to Report

AP 403 - Form 403-1: FMPSD Whistleblower: Disclosure of Wrongdoing For

AP 404: Conflict of Interest

AP 405: Working Alone

AP 406: Certificate of Good Health

AP 407: Employee and Family Assistance Program

AP 408: Annual Leaves of Absence

AP 408 - Form 408-1: Leave of Absence Agreement

AP 409: Employee Consulting Activities

AP 410: Staff Participation in Political Activities

AP 411: Modified Work Program

AP 411 - Form 411-1: Modified Work Program Form

AP 412: District Office Out of Scope Management Vacation, Statutory and Leaves

AP 415: Employee Recognition of Service

AP 416: Recognition and Retirement of Staff Members

AP 419: Employee Resignations, Retirement or Other Cessation of Employment

AP 420: Role of the Teacher

AP 422: Teacher Growth Supervision and Evaluation

AP 422 - Form 422-1: Teacher Evaluation Report – Permanent Certification

AP 422 - Form 422-2: Teacher Evaluation Report – Interim Certification

AP 424: Student Teaching

AP 426: Reduction in Professional Staff Work Force

AP 429: Teachers Relocation Advance and Moving Expense

AP 430: Role of the Principal

AP 431: Role of the Vice Principal

AP 432: Evaluation of School Administrative Staff

AP 434: Term Appointment for School Administrators

AP 439: Relocation Expenses of New Division Administrators

AP 440: Support Staff

AP 441: Quality Practice Standard for Support Staff

AP 442: Evaluation of Support Staff

AP 443: Support Staff Professional Development

AP 444: Local Authorities Pension Plan

AP 445: CUPE Code of Conduct

AP 446: CUPE Discipline

AP 447: Support Staff Extra Duty

AP 448: Fitness for Duty Guidelines

AP 448 - Form 448-1: Fitness for Work

AP 450: Administrative Organization Plan

AP 450 - Appendix A: Organization Charts

AP 450 - Appendix AA: Organization Chart – Division

AP 450 - Appendix AB: Organization Chart – Human Resources & Administration

AP 450 - Appendix AC: Organization Chart – Inclusive Learning

AP 450 - Appendix AD: Organization Chart – Teaching and Learning

AP 450 - Appendix AE: Organization Chart – Business & Finance

AP 450 - Appendix AF: Organization Chart – Superintendent's Office

AP 450 - Appendix B: Competencies for Division Office Administrators

AP 452: Role of the Director of Teaching & Learning

AP 453: Role of the Associate Superintendent, Business and Finance

AP 454: Role of the Director of Inclusive Learning

AP 455: Role Of The Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources & Administration

AP 456: Role of the Director of Human Resources & Administration

AP 460: Teachers on Call

AP 461: Substitute Personnel for School Based Support Staff

AP 462: Teacher Assistant Supervisor

AP 470: Position Descriptions

AP 480: Worker Contract Status Determination

AP 490: Volunteers

AP 490 - Form 490-1: Volunteer Registration Form

AP 491: Volunteers Coaches and Supervisors

AP 491 - Appendix A: Respect in Sport – Coach/Activity Leader Program

AP 492: Appeal Process: Unreasonable Teaching Assignment

AP 493: ATA Staffing Procedures

AP 500: Fiscal Management

AP 501: Annual District Budget

AP 502: Annual School Budgets

AP 503: Reserve Funds

AP 504: Cash Management and Investments

AP 505: Student Fees

AP 505 - Appendix A: Application for Discounted School Fees

AP 507: Protection of Valuables in Schools

AP 509: Enterprise Risk Management

AP 510: Financial Accountability and Audits

AP 511: School Generated Funds

AP 512: Cash Management

AP 512 - Form 512-1: Petty Cash Reconcilation

AP 513: Expense Reimbursements

AP 513 - Appendix A: Expense Reimbursement Rates

AP 513 - Form 513-1: Lost Receipt Form

AP 514: Authorized Signature, Electronic Transfers and Cheque Writing Services

AP 515: Purchasing

AP 515 - Appendix A: Purchasing of Hazardous Materials

AP 516: Imprest Account and Division Charge Cards

AP 516 - Form 516-1: Cheque Request

AP 517: Materials Resource Management

AP 518: School Properties Disposal Procedure

AP 519: Surplus Land and Buildings

AP 520: Fundraising

AP 520 - Appendix A: AGLC CGP Handbook Section 5.8: Education - Use of Proceeds

AP 525: Partnerships

AP 525 - Appendix A: Ethical Guidelines for Business- Education Partnerships

AP 526: Donations

AP 530: Insurance Management

AP 531: Student Insurance Program

AP 540: Facilities Planning

AP 540 - Appendix A: Selection of Architect

AP 541: Naming Opportunities Honourary and Commemorative

AP 543: Access to Buildings

AP 544: Building and Grounds Maintenance

AP 545: Hazardous Chemicals Management

AP 546: Environmental Practices

AP 548: Purchase/Connection of Equipment

AP 549: Personal Use of District Equipment and Materials

AP 550: Community Use of School Facilities

AP 551: Playground Equipment

AP 560: Student Transportation Services

AP 560 - Appendix A: Transportation Fees

AP 562: Student Field Trip Bus Transportation

AP 565: Student Transportation in Private Vehicles

AP 570: Fleet Management

AP 580: Use of District Owned Vehicles

AP 580 - Form 580-1: Motor Vehicle Damage Accident Report